
The Ruby implementation of eBay Notification API verification.

In future it might be used for different cases, but for now eBay requires third–party applications that store user data to implement eBay Marketplace Account Deletion/Closure Notifications Workflow. When such HTTP request is received, the backend must ensure, that this request is coming from eBay:

class EbayAccountDeletionController < ApplicationController
    # eBay wants an immediate response, so we should postpone the deletion
    EbayAccountDeletionWorker.perform_async(params, request.headers["x-ebay-signature"])
    head :ok

class EbayAccountDeletionWorker
   include Sidekiq::Worker

  def perform(message, signature)
    return unless Ebay::NotificationApi::Verifier.valid_message?(message, signature)

    # delete data

⚠️ Heads up! Currently eBay supports only ECDSA/SHA1 encryption, and so does the gem. If something different is passed to the Verifier, the Ebay::NotificationApi::Verifier::WrongAlgorithm would be raised. ⚠️


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'ebay-notification_api-verifier'

Since we have to perform a request to fetch the public key, the ability to get application token should be provided to the verifier. You can pass any callable object:

Ebay::NotificationApi::Verifier.application_token_proc = proc { "token" }
Ebay::NotificationApi::Verifier.application_token_proc = Ebay::TokenFetcher.fetch


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/dmitrytsepelev/ebay-notification_api-verifier.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.

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