EasyOperate < eo >


$ sudo gem install easyoperate

Why && How To Use:

### ~/.eo/config

open:  vim
shell: bash

### ~/.eo/repos

  path: ~/vim/vim-rails/                        # Local path

  pushable: true                                # pushable

  repo: git://github.com/tpope/vim-rails.git    # Remote path

  autorun: 'puts "Thanks to Tim Pope";cp_autoload;cp_plugin'
        # Splited by ';'  , when init or update,this will autorun,
        # first print "Thanks to Tim Pope"
        # then  copy autoload/rails.vim to ~/.vim/autoload/
        # then  copy plugin/rails.vim to ~/.vim/plugin/

 scm:   # Default is git,your can define your scm-type in ~/.eo/scm

 cmd:   # Where you can define your methods
    cp_autoload: `cp autoload/rails.vim ~/.vim/autoload/`
    cp_plugin: `cp plugin/rails.vim '~/.vim/plugin/`
    example: 'puts "Hi,This is example method"'
        # you can run 'example' when choose vim-rails use $ eo -c vim-rails,
        # will print "Hi,This is example method"

  skip: true                                    # skip
    init:   system('sudo pacman -S $(cat ~/pkglist)')
           # Install all software list in ~/pkglist

    update: system('sudo pacman -Suy')
        # Synchronizing package databases,Then upgrade System

### Other Commands:

$ eo -i vim-rails => initialise vim-rails:
                     clone source from github to the path your specify
$ eo -c vim-rails => Select vim-rails
$ eo -u vim-rails => Update vim-rails
                     run 'git pull' in vim-rails's path
$ eo -u           => Update all repository in ~/.eorc <Regexp>
$ eo -p           => Push all pushable repository

More Help ?!

  $ eo -h    for help
  $ h        for help

Copyright © 2008-2009 GPL3

Author : Jinzhu Zhang
Web    : http://www.zhangjinzhu.com
Email  : wosmvp (no-spam) gmail (no-spam) com