
This is a very simple tagging system for Rails. Because it is so simple, you should fork and modify it for your own purpose.

This gem is used in my other projects, thus, it will be kept updated, albeit slowly.


rails generate easy_tag:migration
rake db:migrate
rake db:test:prepare

Basic Usage

EasyTag offers very few methods to manipulate tags. You mostly work on adding and removing tags on taggable. For advanced usage, try work on the assocation of EasyTag models, or fork this project and extend its functionality.


You need to define acts_as_tagger in tagger model like this:

class User < ActiveRecord::Base

Only ONE model can be tagger.

You can find tags of tagger:


Tags in a context can be retrieved like this:



You need to define acts_as_taggable in tagger model like this:

class Post < ActiveRecord::Base

You can manage tags of taggable

taggable.tags: return tags associated with this taggable
taggable.tags=: set tags of this taggable without context and tagger
taggable.set_tags: set tags of this taggable and remove old tags

All of setting methods (except tags=) can add :context and :tagger as optioanl parameters. For example:

taggable.set_tags ['ruby', 'rvm'], :context => 'skill', :tagger => current_user

:context and :tagger also accept number as id for faster database query:

taggable.set_tags, :context => 'skill', :tagger => current_user.id

If not specified, default context is nil and default tagger is nil.

Tags should be an array of strings, or by default, a string with comma(,) to divide tags. Delimiter can be specified in :delimiter, for example:

taggable.set_tags 'rails; ruby', :context => 'skill', :delimiter => ';'

Space, single and double quotation will be trimmed automatically. For more complicated processing of tag string, use block:

taggable.set_tags 'rails; ruby', :context => 'skill' do |tag_list|
  return tag_list.split(',')

To retrieve tags in a context, use


To retreieve tags tagged by a tagger, use


in_context and by_tagger can be chained together. They are methods in scopes.

To retrieve taggable tagged with tags, use

Taggable.with_tags('ruby, rvm', :match => :any)

Options for :match can be :any (default), :all (expensive).

with_tags can also be used with in_context and by_tagger

To delete tags, set nil:


To delete tags associated with context and tagger, include options context and tagger:

taggable.set_tags(nil, :context => :skill, :tagger = User.first)


tag.taggers: taggers who use this tag
tag.taggings.collect(&:taggable): array of taggable tagged with this tag

To retrieve tags in a context, use


To retreieve tags tagged by a tagger, use



No public methods for now.

This is the core model to link together tag, context, taggable and tagger. If you need to work on low-level database query, you probably need to look at this one.

Tag Context

No public methods for now.

Just a place to keep records on tag context.


How do I get tag list from returned EasyTag::Tag ?

tags.pluck(:name).join(', ')

What's the difference between these two ?



The first returns all tags associated with posts, including tags tagged by others. The second return all tags associated with posts AND tagged by tagger.

What's the difference between these two ?



The first returns all tags with 'ruby', regardless the context. In another word, it return all taggables with any context. The second returns all tags with 'ruby' with nil context. In another word, it will not return taggables where context exists. The same idea applies to by_tagger.


EasyTag is heavily influenced by rocket_tag, but not a direct fork.
