
This gem provides a way to create fast tables based on the models of your db. It will expose a helper method easy_data_table(columns, rows, grouping)that will output a datatable with the rows and the columns you indicated.

Two links above and below the table will allow you to export it on csv format


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'easy_data_tables'

And then execute:

$ bundle install

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install easy_data_tables


Helper Method

You will have a method available once you install this gem: easy_data_table(columns, rows, grouping) in order to expose it, you need to add helper EasyDataTables::Engine.helpers to your app's ApplicationController. You can call this helper method in any view and it will output a table with the data you provide.


In order to access the style of the application add: @import "easy_data_tables/application";

to your application.scss



Columns are an array of hashes. There are three types of columns: 'normal', 'custom' and 'combined'

Normal column hashes accept the following keys:

  • label: string, default: '' => will inform the label of the column on the table
  • type: string, default: 'Integer', options: 'Integer', 'Currency', 'Percentage', 'Date' => will inform the formating of the column
  • default: any, default: 0 => Will inform the default when a value is not found
  • collection: ActiveRecord::Relation, required => The data of the column (e.g. User.where(active: true)- -
  • agregate_function: Array of symbols OR symbol, required => aggregate function to run (e.g. [:average, :expense] OR :count)
  • column_type: string => will inform the type of column to use
  • date_format: symbol, default: :default => Will inform the formating of the date

Custom column hashes accept the following keys:

  • label: string, default: '' => will inform the label of the column on the table
  • values: Hash, keys must coincide with the rows of the table, values are the content that will appear in each cell
  • column_type: string => must be 'custom'

NB: A rendered template can be used here for each column (for example to have a form per column)

Cobmbined column hashes accept the following keys:

  • label: string, default: '' => will inform the label of the column on the table
  • type: string, default: 'Integer', options: 'Integer', 'Currency', 'Percentage', 'Date' => will inform the formating of the column
  • columns: Array, required => Will inform the columns to combine (e.g. ['expenditure', 'user_count'])
  • method: string, options: 'rate', 'substract', required => how to combine the columns to produce the data cell value
  • column_type: string, must be set to 'combined' => will inform the type of column to use
  • date_format: symbol, default: :default => Will inform the formating of the date


Here you must pass an Array of strings to inform the label of each row.


Array of strings where the first string is the grouping method you are calling and the rest are the arguments of said method e.g. ['group', 'users.full_name'}


            label: 'user_count',
            type: 'Integer',
            collection: User.all,
            agregate_function: :count
            label: 'active_user_count',
            type: 'Integer',
            collection: User.where(active: true),
            agregate_function: :count
            label: 'active_user_expense',
            type: 'Currency',
            collection: Expense.joins(:user).where(users: {active: true})
            agregate_function: [:sum, :total]
            column_type: 'combined',
            columns: ['active_user_count', 'user_count'],
            method: 'rate',
            label: 'active_user_rate'
            column_type: 'custom',
            values:  {"Premium" => '30 eur', 'Freemium' => '0 eur', 'Premium++' => '60 eur'}
            label: 'monthly_cost'
    ['group', 'users.status']

will generate a table that looks like this:

User count Active user count Active user expense Active User Rate Monthly Cost
Premium 10 8 90 $ 80 % 30 eur
Freemium 5 3 0 $ 60 % 0 eur
Premium ++ 3 1 150 $ 33.33 % 60 eur

The table has the classes : "table" and "datatable"

in order to have correct looking column labels you must have a I18n file that will have:

      user_count: User count
      user_count_title: "Count of all the users that have the row's status"
      active_user_count: Active User Count
      active_user_count_title: Active users for each status
      active_user_expense: Active User Expense
      active_user_expense_title: Sum of the expenses for the active users of each status
      active_user_rate: Active User Rate
      active_user_rate_title: % of active users over total users per status
      monthly_cost: Monthly Cost
      monthly_cost_title: Monthly Cost
      download_formated_csv: Download Formated CSV
      download_unformated_csv:  Download Unformated CSV

On hover on a column label, you will have the title that appears as a tooltip.


In order to contribute, do not hesitate to fork the repository and submit a pull request.

Known to-dos:

  • Test the codebase
  • Add more methods to combined columns
  • Add more types
  • As is now, a TOTAL row will be appended at the end, ideally we should be able to provide our own total if we want to overwrite it.


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/pablocm90/easy_data_tables.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.


v 0.2.0

  • added possibility of downloading the table as a csv (both formated and unformated)

v 0.3.0

  • added possibility of creating custom columns

v 0.3.1

  • added possibility of formating date columns