
Automatically generates wrappers for C/C++ code using SWIG.

This is both a Ruby Gem and a CLI Tool. Feed it with a directory containing the library's header files (the ones you want to wrap) and a CSV File with basic configuration (see usage). EasySwig will generate the corresponding SWIG interface files (.i) in an output directory. EasySwig also offers a facade allowing you to directly call SWIG in order to generate wrappers in the target language.

EasySwig supports currently only C#. There is ongoing work on other languages support.

Installation and Use

EasySwig relies on the Doxyparser gem (https://github.com/davfuenmayor/ruby-doxygen-parser) which on his part depends on Nokogiri (http://nokogiri.org) and Doxygen (www.doxygen.org). Refer to Doxyparser for more information.

To actually generate wrappers you may also want to install SWIG (http://www.swig.org/). SWIG versions 2.x and 3.x are supported.

For using EasySwig you need to create a folder with the following structure: (it is recommended to use the subfolder 'spec/Example' as a template)

  • A subfolder named 'include' with the header files you want to wrap.
  • A CSV file named 'api.csv' with the name of the namespace you want to wrap and which members to wrap/ignore. See below.
  • An optional file (optionally named custom_config.i) with %include statements for those header files found in subdirectories (otherwise SWIG won't find them)

There are three operations you can do with EasySwig: 'doxygen', 'generate' and 'swig'

  1. doxygen: Generate Doxygen XML intermediate representation. Here you need the Doxyparser gem installed on your system.
  2. generate: Generate SWIG Interface Files (.i) from the previously generated Doxygen XML intermediate representation
  3. swig: Generate wrappers from your header files and the previously generated .i files. Here you need SWIG installed on your system.

As Ruby Gem

gem install doxyparser

or add the following line to your Gemfile:

gem 'doxyparser'

and run bundle install from your shell.

Call EasySwig from your Ruby code using default values:

    # Will use as target directory your current working directory (be careful!)

Or with some configuration:

    config = EasySwig::Config.new('path/to/your/directory')
    config.stl_support = nil        # Inactivate default support for the STL Library
    config.html = true              # Generates HTML documentation for your header files
    config.includes_dir = '/usr/lib/gcc/i686-linux-gnu/4.6.3/include' # Add other system include files you want SWIG to import during wrapper generation

You can consult the documentation (generated with YARD: yard doc) in doc/ subfolder for more information about the EasySwig::Config class and its default values.


Download (or clone) this repository. An illustrative example of how to use EasySwig as CLI-Tool is found in subfolder Example/ Open the corresponding README file and follow the instructions. This Example project can also be used as template for your own wrappers.

cd Example
# Displays command help. Useful for parameter syntax, options and default values
sh ../bin/easyswig.sh -h
# Generate Doxygen XML Intermediate representation. Found in generated subfolder: 'easy-swig/doxygen'
sh ../bin/easyswig.sh doxygen
# Generate SWIG Interface Files (.i). Found in generated subfolder: 'easy-swig/generate'
sh ../bin/easyswig.sh generate
# Generate Wrappers using your installed version of SWIG. Found in generated subfolder: 'easy-swig/swig'
sh ../bin/easyswig.sh swig

Selecting which members to wrap (namespaces/classes/functions/variables...)

EasySwig allows you to cherry-oick which members of a namespace to wrap and also offers some simple configuration. For this we make use of a CSV file with following contents:


target_name: Desired name of the Namespace in the Target Language (C#). If empty, 'basename' will be used basename: Name of the C/C++ namespace. If empty, 'target_name' will be used wrap_classes: Every class/struct in this namespace will be wrapped wrap_functions: Every function outside any struct/class in this namespace will be wrapped wrap_enums: Every enum outside any struct/class in this namespace will be wrapped wrap_variables: Every variable outside any struct/class in this namespace will be wrapped friend_support: Support for friend members will be active by default for all structs/classes inside this namespace properties: Support for (C#) properties will be active by default for all structs/classes inside this namespace partial: Every wrapper for structs/classes inside this namespace will be generated with the 'partial' C# keyword nested_support: Support for Innerclasses when using SWIG 2.x (Unnecessary for versions newer than 3.0)


target_name: Desired name of the function (relative to the given namespace) in the Target Language (C#). If empty, 'basename' will be used basename: Name of the C/C++ function (relative to the given namespace). If empty, 'target_name' will be used ignore: This member will be ignored. Useful in case it has been indirectly included by checking any of the parent's 'wrap_xxx' flags


target_name: Desired name of the global variable (relative to the given namespace) in the Target Language (C#). If empty, 'basename' will be used basename: Name of the C/C++ global variable (relative to the given namespace). If empty, 'target_name' will be used ignore: This member will be ignored. Useful in case it has been indirectly included by checking any of the parent's 'wrap_xxx' flags


target_name: Desired name of the enum (relative to the given namespace) in the Target Language (C#). If empty, 'basename' will be used basename: Name of the C/C++ enum (relative to the given namespace). If empty, 'target_name' will be used ignore: This member will be ignored. Useful in case it has been indirectly included by checking any of the parent's 'wrap_xxx' flags


target_name: Desired name of the class/struct (relative to the given namespace) in the Target Language (C#). If empty, 'basename' will be used basename: Name of the C/C++ class/struct (relative to the given namespace). If empty, 'target_name' will be used ignore: This member will be ignored. Useful in case it has been indirectly included by checking any of the parent's 'wrap_xxx' flags wrap_innerclasses: Every innerclass/innerstruct defined inside this class/struct will be wrapped wrap_methods: Every method of this class/struct will be wrapped wrap_enums: Every enum defined inside this class/struct will be wrapped wrap_attributes: Every attribute of this class/struct will be wrapped friend_support: Support for friend members is active properties: Support for generating (C#) properties will be active by default for every getter/setter method defined in this class/struct partial: Class will be generated with the 'partial' C# keyword struct: Struct will be mapped as such in the target language (only C# - not yet supported ) nested_support: Support for Innerclasses when using SWIG 2.x (Unnecessary for versions newer than 3.0)


target_name: Desired name of the method (relative to the last given class/struct) in the Target Language (C#). If empty, 'basename' will be used basename: Name of the C/C++ method (relative to the last given class/struct). If empty, 'target_name' will be used ignore: This member will be ignored. Useful in case it has been indirectly included by checking any of the parent's 'wrap_xxx' flags properties: If this method is a getter/setter, a cooresponding property will be generated in the target language (C#)


target_name: Desired name of the attribute (relative to the last given class/struct) in the Target Language (C#). If empty, 'basename' will be used basename: Name of the C/C++ attribute (relative to the last given class/struct). If empty, 'target_name' will be used ignore: This member will be ignored. Useful in case it has been indirectly included by checking any of the parent's 'wrap_xxx' flags


target_name: Desired name of the enum (relative to the last given class/struct) in the Target Language (C#). If empty, 'basename' will be used basename: Name of the C/C++ enum (relative to the last given class/struct). If empty, 'target_name' will be used ignore: This member will be ignored. Useful in case it has been indirectly included by checking any of the parent's 'wrap_xxx' flags


target_name: Desired name of the innerclass (relative to the last given class/struct) in the Target Language (C#). If empty, 'basename' will be used basename: Name of the C/C++ innerclass (relative to the last given class/struct). If empty, 'target_name' will be used ignore: This member will be ignored. Useful in case it has been indirectly included by checking any of the parent's 'wrap_xxx' flags friend_support: Support for friend members is active properties: Support for generating (C#) properties will be active by default for every getter/setter method defined in this class/struct struct: Structs will be mapped as such in the target language (only C# - not yet supported ) nested_support: Support for Innerclasses when using SWIG 2.x (Unnecessary for versions newer than 3.0)