
A repository of common, reusable API code. Its purpose is to make all of Abletech's APIs respond in a consistent manner.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'easy-api'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install easy-api


Easy-api consists of a module to be included in your Api Controller, as well as classes to encapsulate API Errors and API Results.

Using Easy::Api::Error

This class encapsulates the different failure responses that can be returned from our APIs. The four types of errors are: invalid, unauthorized, not_found, and unexpected.

To initialise an error, pass in the type you want, e.g.


If you want to override the default error message, pass in a custom message, e.g.

Easy::Api::Error.new(:invalid, @user.errors.full_messages.join(', '))

Easy::Api::Error objects have a code (e.g. 404) and a message (e.g. 'Resource not found')

You can also define you own error types. Add the following to initializers/easy_api.rb

Easy::Api::Error.codes[:rate_limited] = 429
Easy::Api::Error.messages[:rate_limited] = 'Rate limited'

Using Easy::Api

Add the following line to all Api Controllers:

include Easy::Api

Then in your Api actions, do your logic inside a block:

 easy_api do |api|
    api.parcel = Parcel.first
    api.status_code = 200
    api.success = true
    api.render_result(format: params[:format])

If the request is a success, you must set

 api.status_code = 200
 api.success = true

and you can also set any other values you want to send back, e.g.

api.parcel = Parcel.first

If the request is unsuccessful, you must set the status_code, e.g.

api.status_code = 401

and you also need to set error to be an instance of Easy::Api::Error, e.g.

api.error = Easy::Api::Error.new(:unauthorized)

Then render the result

 api.render_result(format: params[:format])

Support for JSONP

If your API supports callbacks (JSONP) these can also be passed. The returned content_type header will change to application/javascript in this case.

 api.render_result(format: params[:format], callback: params[:callback])

Using Easy::Api::ControllerMethods


Add the following line to all Api Controllers:

include Easy::Api::ControllerMethods

then in your Api actions, add values to the @result (Easy::Api::Result) object. If the request is a success, you must set

 @result.status_code = 200
 @result.success = true

and you can also set any other values you want to send back, e.g.

@result.parcel = Parcel.first

If the request is unsuccessful, you must set the status_code, e.g.

@result.status_code = 401

and you also need to set error to be an instance of Easy::Api::Error, e.g.

@result.error = Easy::Api::Error.new(:unauthorized)

Then render the result



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  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request