This is an EAD importer/exporter lib. Basic usage should be pretty simple. Importing EAD files stuffs ruby objects with the values in the file. Exporting does the opposite.

To import a file just do:

ead = EAD::EADDocument.from_file('some_ead_file.xml')

All the file will be imported and it's whole contents loaded into memory. For big files this is a problem so you should look at XMLCodec::XMLStreamObjectParser instead from the xmlcodec framework on which this library depends on.

The XMLCodec module has some nice utility classes and functions to handle any kind of XML file. XMLCodec::XMLElement can be used to define an importer and exporter for any XML format. XMLCodec::XMLStreamObjectParser is designed to work with it allowing for stream parsing of XML files of arbitrary length with constant memory usage while still treating elements as ruby objects.


Pedro C?rte-Real
<[email protected]>