
The Tozny End-to-End Encrypted Database (E3DB) is a storage platform with powerful sharing and consent management features. Read more on our blog.

E3DB provides a familiar JSON-based NoSQL-style API for reading, writing, and querying data stored securely in the cloud.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'e3db'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install e3db

At runtime, you will need the libsodium cryptography library required by the native RbNaCl Ruby library. On most platforms a package is available by default:

$ brew install libsodium            (Mac OS X)
$ apt-get install libsodium-dev     (Ubuntu)

For more information including libsodium installation instructions for Windows, see the libsodium web site.

Windows Users: Make sure to download a recent "MSVC" build. Once downloaded, find the most recent libsodium.dll inside the ZIP file and copy it to somewhere in your PATH.

Registering a client

  1. Download and install the E3DB Command-Line interface (CLI) from our GitHub releases page.

  2. Register an account using the CLI:

   $ e3db register [email protected]

This will create a new default configuration with a randomly generated key pair and API credentials, saving it in $HOME/.tozny/e3db.json.

Loading configuration and creating a client

Use the E3DB::Config.default class method to load the default client configuration, and pass it to the E3DB::Client constructor:

require 'e3db'
config = E3DB::Config.default
client =

Using profiles to manage multiple configurations

The E3DB Command-Line Interface allows you to register and manage multiple keys and credentials using profiles. To register a new client under a different profile:

$ e3db register --profile=development [email protected]

You can then use E3DB::Config.load_profile to load a specific profile inside your Ruby application:

config = E3DB::Config.load_profile('development')
client =

Writing a record

To write new records to the database, first create a blank record of the correct type using E3DB::Client#new_record. Then fill in the fields of the record's data hash. Finally, write the record to the database with E3DB::Client#write, which returns the unique ID of the newly created record.

record = client.new_record('contact')[:first_name] = 'Jon'[:last_name] = 'Snow'[:phone] = '555-555-1212'
record_id = client.write(record)
printf("Wrote record %s\n", record_id)

Querying Records

E3DB supports many options for querying records based on the fields stored in record metadata. Refer to the API documentation for the complete set of options that can be passed to E3DB::Client#query.

For example, to list all records of type contact and print a simple report containing names and phone numbers:

client.query(type: 'contact') do |record|
  fullname =[:first_name] + ' ' +[:last_name]
  printf("%-40s %s\n", fullname,[:phone])


Before running tests, register an integration-test profile using the E3DB command-line tool:

$ e3db -p integration-test register [email protected]

After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake spec to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.