
A simple DSL to specify how to dump data from a production environment for use in a developer environment. Provides tools to limit what data is pulled and obfuscate data that is pulled.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'dump_truck'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install dump_truck


Create a ruby file that looks like this:

require 'logger'

DumpTruck.configure do
  # You can optionally provide a logger. If no logger is provided,
  # information will be logged to standard out.
  logger Logger.new('dump.log')

  # You can specify an arbitrary number of databases to connect to
  database(:mysql) do
    # Where and how to connect
    hostname ENV['hostname']
    user ENV['user']
    password ENV['password'] # pass nil if there is no password

    # The schemas to dump from this database.
    schema 'app_production' do
      # Directory to place the resulting sql dump
      target_path ENV['target_path']

      # File name for this schema sql dump. '.sql' is appended
      # automatically to the name. If unspecified, the name of the schema
      # is used.
      target_file{|schema| schema + Time.now.strftime("_%Y%m%d%H%M%S")}

      # Tables rules can be defined to have one of four modes:
      # * keep - all data for that table is dumped
      # * keep 'some query' - data that satifies the query is dumped
      # * truncate - no data is dumped
      # * ignore - the table and data are not dumped
      # Tables also define obfuscation rules. If no rules is defined for
      # a column, the value is dumped as is. Obfuscation rules can
      # optionally receive the value and a number which will be unique
      # for each row of that table. If an obfuscation rule is defined for
      # a field that doesn't exist for the table, it is ignored. This
      # is most useful for the default table rule, because it allows
      # obfuscation of all email fields for tables that have them.
      # The default table rule is applied to any table that does not have
      # a rule defined. Otherwise, it behaves like any other table rule.

      table_default do
        keep "created_at > now() - interval 6 month"

        obfuscate(:email){|email, n| "my.email+#{n}@gmail.com"}

      table(:users) do

        obfuscate(:email){|email, n| "my.email+#{n}@gmail.com"}
        obfuscate(:name){|name| name.split('').shuffle.join}

      table(:delayed_jobs){keep "deleted_at is null"}


  1. Fork it ( http://github.com/secondrotation/dump_truck/fork )
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request