Duly Noted

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Duly noted is a redis backed stats and metrics tracker. It works as follows:

DulyNoted.track("page_views", for: "homepage")

This would log one page view for the home page. Then to see how many page views the home page has gotten, you would simply call:

DulyNoted.count("page_views", for: "homepage")

You can also store meta data with your metrics by passing your data in a hash to the meta key like so:

DulyNoted.track("page_views", for: "homepage", meta: {user_agent: "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_7_2) AppleWebKit/535.2 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/15.0.874.121 Safari/535.2", ip_address: ""})

If the metric was generated in the past but is just now being logged, you can alter it's time stamp with the generated_at key:

DulyNoted.track("page_views", for: "homepage", generated_at: 10.minutes.ago)

To get the count for a particular time range, you can use the time_start and time_end keys in the count call like so:

DulyNoted.count("page_views", for: "homepage", time_start: 1.day.ago, time_end: Time.now)

You can also just specify a time_range like so:

DulyNoted.count("page_views", for: "homepage", time_range: 1.day.ago..Time.now)

This will return the page view count for the home page for the past day.

What's New


  • Added the time_range option to count, and query

  • Added the meta_fields option to query, which takes an array of fields to pull out from the meta hash

  • Added the ref_id option to query, which takes a reference id and will return an array with one meta hash. I was going back and forth on whether or not it should wrap the hash in an array. It doesn't need to be, but I thought, just to make it consistant with it's usual output, I should make it return an array.

  • Enough bug fixes to make it production ready! Yay!

To Do

  • Count by meta fields: How many page views from each browser?

  • A chart method which would take a time_start, time_end, and a granularity which would allow you to easily get the per hour for each hour for the past day, for example.

  • Maybe some Rails view helpers to generate some code for a Javascript charting library, or Google Charts API.


If you want to help, you should do it. Fork it, fix it, and send me a pull request. I will be delighted.