
Test Documentation

A small tool for copying your playlists across music streaming services. Think rsync, but for playlists.



The basic usage pattern is always drum cp [source] [destination] where source and destination may be any of the following (internally called a ref):

  • A file or folder, e.g.
    • .
    • some/folder
    • some-file.yaml
  • A URI, e.g.
    • https://open.spotify.com/playlist/123456
    • spotify:playlist:123456
    • https://music.apple.com/us/playlist/some-name/pl.123456789
    • file:///path/to/list.yaml
  • A special token, e.g.
    • @spotify/playlists
    • @spotify/tracks
    • @applemusic/playlists
    • @music/playlists (referring to the local Apple Music (Music.app) library on macOS)
    • @stdin
    • @stdout
  • A dash -, synonymous with @stdin and @stdout, depending on usage

[!NOTE] If the source is folder-like, i.e. includes multiple playlists, the destination has to be folder-like too. (The reverse is not true though.)


Download a playlist from Spotify.

  • drum cp https://open.spotify.com/playlist/123456 my-fancy-list.yaml
  • drum cp spotify:playlist:123456 my-fancy-list.yaml
  • drum cp spotify:playlist:123456 some/folder

Download your liked songs playlist from Spotify.

  • drum cp @spotify/tracks liked.yaml

Download all playlists from your Spotify library.

  • drum cp @spotify/playlists .

Upload a playlist to Spotify.

  • drum cp my-fancy-list.yaml @spotify/playlists

Supported Services

Currently, the following music services are supported:

  • Spotify
  • Apple Music
  • Local, YAML-based playlists (via stdio or files)

[!NOTE] The tool only processes metadata, not the actual audio files.


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup (or bundle install) to install dependencies.

To run the application, run bundle exec bin/drum. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

[!IMPORTANT] You may need to run bundle exec ruby bin/drum on Windows

To package the application into a gem, run bundle exec rake build. The built gem should then be located in pkg.

[!IMPORTANT] If you wish to install drum using gem install, you may need to install additional gems such as rb-scpt on macOS to use platform-specific integrations. See the Gemfile for more information.

To install the gem, run bundle exec rake install.

To generate the documentation, run bundle exec rake yard.

To run tests, run bundle exec rake spec.

[!TIP] If you wish to use a language server such as Solargraph and code completion isn't working for required gems, you may have to run yard gems: https://solargraph.org/guides/troubleshooting


To use the service integration with Spotify, set the following environment variables:


The client ID and secret can be obtained by creating a Spotify application in the developer dashboard. After adding the application, make sure to whitelist the following redirect URI (required for user authentication):


Apple Music

To use the service integration with Apple Music, set the following environment variables:


This keys can be obtained as described here (requires an Apple Developer Program membership).



Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/fwcd/drum.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.