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      d r e d d

Rules over collections


$ gem install dredd


Dredd is a sort of DSL, sort of rule runner, combined.

Use it if you want to detect various outliers/exceptions within collections, detection is expressed with Dredd rules.

To start, you should have

  1. A collection of hashes (if you have objects, #to_h them).
  2. A Dredd rule.

Now combine the two :)

result = Dredd.detect "all{ payment > 10 }.size.gt 0",
                         { :payment => 0 },
                         { :payment => 20 },
                         { :payment => 0 }
result # => true


Here's an assortment of queries possible with Dredd's DSL:

all.mean{ payment }
all{ payment > 10 }.sum{ payment }.is 20
first(2){ payment > 50 }

See live examples in spec/dredd/query_spec.rb


Rules are not sandboxed yet. They will be, and till then - take it into consideration, thanks.


Fork, implement, add tests, pull request, get my everlasting thanks and a respectable place here :).


Copyright (c) 2014 Dotan Nahum @jondot. See MIT-LICENSE for further details.