Dream Gens

Brought to you by rubyloves.me

Please be restful. If you decide you want to leave the golden path you should fork this and make it so you can do your weird, non restful shit. These gens are purely an effort to get back to the original beauty of what drew many to rails, only updated for TDD/BDD using the technologies listed below.

Step by step these generators will build the bare bones skeleton for a restfully designed resource to match a feature.

Generators for rapid rails development WITH testing!

  • HAML Views
  • Cucumber, Capybara, RSpec and Remarkable

To install git submodule add git://github.com/dreamr/dream_gens.git vender/plugins/dream_gens

Usage – Dream Generatorsg

For Outside-In developing using Dream-gens, cucumber and rspec:

  • generate a feature
  • define the feature

Generate a feature

./script/generate dream_feature FeatureName Domain or ./script/generate df FeatureName Domain

eg. ./script/generate dream_feature user_logs_in authentication

will create:

  • features/_user_logs_in.feature
  • features/step_definitions/authentication_steps.rb

Generate a model, migration and behavior specification file

To generate full rest views and routing

./script/generate dream_resource Resource [attribute:type, *] or ./script/generate dr Resource [attribute:type, *]

eg. ./script/generate dream_resource User email:string crypted_password:string

will create:

  • app/controllers/users_controller.rb
  • app/models/user.rb
  • app/views/users/
  • partials/_form.html.haml
  • partials/_user.html.haml
  • index.html.haml
  • new.html.haml
  • edit.html.haml
  • show.html.haml
  • config/routes.rb << map.resources :users
  • db/migrate/*****_create_and_index_users.rb
  • spec/controllers/users_controller_spec.rb
  • spec/factories/user_factory.rb
  • spec/models/user_spec.rb

To generate specific rest views and routing

./script/generate dream_resource Resource [attribute:type, *] [rest_action, *]

eg. ./script/generate dream_resource User email:string crypted_password:string new create show

will create:

  • app/controllers/users_controller.rb
  • app/models/user.rb
  • app/views/users/
  • _form.html.haml
  • new.html.haml
  • show.html.haml
  • config/routes.rb << map.resources :users
  • db/migrate/*****_create_and_index_users.rb
  • spec/controllers/users_controller_spec.rb
  • spec/factories/user_factory.rb
  • spec/models/user_spec.rb


Maintainer: dreamr

Forked and modified from: meskyanichi


Fork, make a patch, notify me, get here.