Play music from

Note that this project is still on-going, so I will only try my best to stablize the interface.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem ''

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install


$ -h

Usage: [OPTIONS]
    -u, --user email        account name, normally an email address
                                     if not provided, will play anonymous playlist
    -p, --password [password] account password
                                     if not provided, will be asked
    -m, --mpd                        do not play by it own, send playlist to Music Player Daemon
    -r, --remote remote              mpd remote host, in format of <IP>:<Port>
    -c, --channel channel            which channel to play
                                     if not provided, channel 0 will be selected but who knows what it is
    -k, --kbps kbps                  set kbps
                                     if not provided, 64kbps will be used as default
                                     for non-pro user this option simply does not work
    -l, --list                       list all available channels
    -f, --favor [count]              list favorites songs
    -i, --interaction [port]         start an http server for interaction
                                     if omit port, 3000 will be used by default
                                     GET /channels to get all available channels
                                     GET /now to get current playing channel
                                     GET /channel/<id> to switch to channel of the specified id
    -V, --verbose                    verbose mode
    -v, --version                    show current version
    -h, --help                       show this message

Basically there are two ways to play music

  • to play direclty by mpg123

    Under this mode, music will be played by forking mpg123 directly. Sorry currently there is no way to configure which music player to use.

    • will play anonymous playlist of channel 0
    • -c 1 will play channel 1
    • -u [email protected] -p xxx will play private playlist
    • -u [email protected] -p xxx -c 1 will play channel 1 but with your account signed in
    • -u [email protected] -p will play private playlist but will ask for your password to sign in
  • to play by Music Player Daemon

    Under this mode, URL of music will be sent to MPD which will actually play. Whenever there are less than 10 songs in MPD playlist, more will be retrieved from

    It is fantastic to use MPD since there are quite many clients to use. I am now just use my iPhone with MPoD2.

    Thanks for @tdsparrow pointing out MPD, otherwise I might have been doing some really stupid things.

    • -m will play anonymous playlist of channel 0
    • -m -c 1 will play channel 1
    • -m -u [email protected] -p xxx will play private playlist
    • -m -u [email protected] -p xxx -c 1 will play channel 1 but with your account signed in
    • -m -u [email protected] -p will play private playlist but will ask for your password to sign in
    • if "-m -i" is provided, a web server will start listening on 3000 by default, and you may
      • GET /channels to get all available channels
      • GET /channel to get current playing channel
      • GET /channel/ to switch to channel of the specified id, if id is -1, channel will be selected randomly each time fetching playlist
      • GET /kbps to get current kbps
      • GET /kbps/ to set kbps, for non-pro user this option simply does not work
      • GET / or /index to view channel switch pannel


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request