Ruby Docx Edit

A very minimal Ruby library that let you edit .docx file in some simple way

  • make string replacement in .docx document

  • insert new paragraphe using XML before or after a block of text

This is not meant to be fully functional or even completed in the future, take this code if you want at your own risk.

require 'docxedit'
doc ='mydocfile.docx')
doc.contains? /A simple string/ #return true if regexp is match in one of the document xml node
doc.replace(/str_to_find/, "replacement") #replace the matched string with "replacement" string
block = doc.find_block_with_content("[[EXACT block content]]") #return a ContentBlock object

# insert a new block of text before block
doc.insert(:before, block,"<w:p><w:r>A new block for this file.</w:r></w:p>", "A new block for this file."))


0.0.1 First release


No more development planned for now
