The Official DocuSign Ruby Client

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Ruby 2.1.0 or higher [].


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'docusign_esign'

And then execute:

$ bundle install

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install docusign_esign

JWT Authorization Example

See the JWT Ruby example for an example Ruby SDK implementation that uses the JWT bearer grant to authenticate. For additional authentication and Ruby SDK examples, see unit_tests_using_jwt_spec.rb.


Unit tests are available in the tests/spec folder.

Follow the steps below to run the test cases

  • Fill in all the required fields/values
  • Run the following command from the tests/spec folder

    bundle exec rspec <spec_filename>


Feel free to log issues against this client through GitHub. We also have an active developer community on Stack Overflow, search the DocuSignAPI tag.


The DocuSign Ruby Client is licensed under the following License.