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DnsMadeEasy — Ruby Client API (Supporting SDK V2.0)

This is a fully featured REST API client for DnsMadeEasy provider. DME is an excellent provider, and is highly recommended for their ease of use, very solid API, and great customer support. They also offer free DNS failover with business accounts, which is highly recommended for the arrays of load balancers in front of your app.


DnsMadeEasy allows you to fetch, create, update DNS records, as long as you know your API key and the secret.

You can find your API Key and Secret on the Account Settings Page of their UI.

Once you have the key and the secret, you have several choices:

  1. Perhaps the most conveniently, you can store them in a small YAML file, that must be placed in a specific location within your home folder: ~/.dnsmadeeasy/credentials.yml. The file should look like this one below (NOTE: these are not real credentials, btw):

    # file: ~/.dnsmadeeasy/credentials.yml
      api_key: 2062259f-f666b17-b1fa3b48-042ad4030
      api_secret: 2265bc3-e31ead-95b286312e-c215b6a0

    With this file existing, you can query right away, by using the shortcut module DME, such as

    require 'dnsmadeeasy/dme' # this loads a `DME` shortcut. #=> ''
  2. Or, you can directly instantiate a new instance of the Client class, by passing your API key and API secrets as arguments:

     require 'dnsmadeeasy'
     @client =, api_secret)

    The advantage of this method is that you can query multiple DnsMadeEasy accounts from the same Ruby VM. With other methods, only one account can be connected to.

  3. Or, you can use the DnsMadeEasy.configure method to configure the key/secret pair, and then use DnsMadeEasy namespace to call the methods:

     require 'dnsmadeeasy'
     DnsMadeEasy.configure do |config|
       config.api_key = 'XXXX'
       config.api_secret = 'YYYY'
 #=> ''     

Shortcut Module DME and DnsMadeEasy Namespaces

Since DnsMadeEasy is a bit of a mouthful, we decided to offer (in addition) the abbreviated module DME that simply forwards all method calls to DnsMadeEasy. You can now require 'dme' to get all of the DnsMadeEasy client library loaded up, assuming it does not clash with any other dme file in your project.

And then you can use DME.method(*args) as you would on DnsMadeEasy.method(*args) or on the instance of the actual worker-horse class of this library, the gorgeous blone with a very long name: DnsMadeEasy::Api::Client.


If you are not planning on accessing more than one DnsMadeEasy account from the same Ruby VM, it's recommended to save the credentials in the above mentioned file. DO NOT check that file into any repository.

Assuming my credentials are stored, I can access everything about my domains as follows (let's pretend that I own a bunch of gamespot domains):

IRB(main):003:0> require 'dme' #=> true
 ⤷ ["",

IRB(main):008:0> DME.api_key
 ⤷ "2062259f-f666b17-b1fa3b48-042ad4030"

IRB(main):009:0> DME.api_secret
 ⤷ "2265bc3-e31ead-95b286312e-c215b6a0"

IRB(main):010:0> @client = DME.client
 ⤷ #<DnsMadeEasy::Api::Client:0x00007fb6b416a4c8

Return Values

Whever DnsMadeEasy returns is typically a Hash, but we wrap it in a Hashie::Mash instance, which offers some additional benefits, such as the ability to call nested values via method calls instead of using square brackets. You can always call either to_hash or to_h on an instance of a Hashie::Mash to get a pure hash representation.

All return values are the direct JSON responses from DNS Made Easy converted into a Hash.

For more information on the actual JSON API, please refer to the following PDF document.

Method Calls

Here is the complete of all methods supported by the DnsMadeEasy::Api::Client:

  • base_uri=
  • base_uri
  • create_a_record
  • create_aaaa_record
  • create_cname_record
  • create_domain
  • create_domains
  • create_httpred_record
  • create_mx_record
  • create_ns_record
  • create_ptr_record
  • create_record
  • create_spf_record
  • create_srv_record
  • create_txt_record
  • delete_all_records
  • delete_domain
  • delete_record
  • delete_records
  • domain
  • domains
  • find_record_id
  • find
  • get_id_by_domain
  • records_for
  • request_limit
  • requests_remaining
  • update_record
  • update_records

Managing Domains

To retrieve all domains:

To retreive the id of a domain by the domain name:


To retrieve the full domain record by domain name:


To create a domain:


# Multiple domains can be created by:

To delete a domain:

@client.delete_domain        ('')

Managing Records

To retrieve all records for a given domain name:

@client.records_for          ('')

To find the record id for a given domain, name, and type:

This finds the id of the A record ''.

@client.find_record_id       ('', 'woah', 'A')

To delete a record by domain name and record id (the record id can be retrieved from find_record_id:

@client.delete_record        ('', 123)

# To delete multiple records:

@client.delete_records       ('', [123, 143])

# To delete all records in the domain:

@client.delete_all_records   ('')

To create a record:

@client.create_record        ('', 'woah', 'A', '', { 'ttl' => '60' })
@client.create_a_record      ('', 'woah', '', {})
@client.create_aaaa_record   ('', 'woah', '', {})
@client.create_ptr_record    ('', 'woah', '', {})
@client.create_txt_record    ('', 'woah', '', {})
@client.create_cname_record  ('', 'woah', '', {})
@client.create_ns_record     ('', 'woah', '', {})
@client.create_spf_record    ('', 'woah', '', {})
# Arguments are: domain_name, name, priority, value, options = {}
@client.create_mx_record     ('', 'woah', 5, '', {})
# Arguments are: domain_name, name, priority, weight, port, value, options = {}
@client.create_srv_record    ('', 'woah', 1, 5, 80, '', {})
# Arguments are: domain_name, name, value, redirectType, description, keywords, title, options = {}
@client.create_httpred_record('', 'woah', '', 'STANDARD - 302',
                              'a description', 'keywords', 'a title', {})

To update a record:

@client.update_record        ('', 123, 'woah', 'A', '',  
                             { 'ttl' => '60' })

To update several records:

    { 'id'   => 123,
      'name' => 'buddy',
      'type' => 'A',
      'value'=> ''
  ], { 'ttl' => '60' })

To get the number of API requests remaining after a call:

#=> 19898

NOTE: Information is not available until an API call has been made

To get the API request total limit after a call:

#=> 2342

Information is not available until an API call has been made


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'dnsmadeeasy'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself:

$ gem install dnsmadeeasy


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run bundle exe rspec to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, up date the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to


The current maintainer Konstantin Gredeskoul wishes to thank:

  • Arnoud Vermeer for the original dnsmadeeasy-rest-api gem
  • Andre Arko, Paul Henry, James Hart formerly of Wanelo fame, for bringing the REST API gem up to the level.
  • Phil Cohen, who graciously transferred the ownership of this gem on RubyGems to the current maintainer.


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.