= dm-userstamp

DataMapper plugin which adds "magic" to created_by_id, updated_by_id fields

Assumes a model called User and a class attribute of current_user
Just need to add created_by_id and/or updated_by_id Integer fields to the model


class User
include DataMapper::Resource
include DataMapper::Userstamp::Stamper

cattr_accessor :current_user

class Monkey
include DataMapper::Resource

property :created_by_id, Integer
property :updated_by_id, Integer

== Docs

See rubyforge project:
* http://dm-userstamp.rubyforge.org/

== Install

sudo gem install dm-userstamp

== Thanks

Code based on:
* AR userstamp plugin - http://github.com/ctran/userstamp/tree/master
* DM timestamps plugin - http://github.com/sam/dm-more/tree/master/dm-timestamps