DataMapper PuppetDB Adapter



  • json
  • puppet 3.x
  • dm-types

    gem install dm-puppetdb-adapter


It will use the puppet configuration of the user it runs under, so make sure it has a SSL certificate that can connect to your PuppetDB instace.

To setup the adapter:

DataMapper.setup(:default, {
  :adapter => 'puppetdb',
  :host => '',
  :port => 8081,
  :ssl => true,

Or if you use it under dm-rails add this to config/database.yml:

defaults: &defaults
  adapter: puppetdb
  host: ''
  port: 8081
  ssl: true

  <<: *defaults

  <<: *defaults

  <<: *defaults

To include all predefined PuppetDB models add this:

require "dm-puppetdb-adapter/models"

Queries like Node.all( => '') etc should then work. See the models and DataMapper documentation for more info on query syntax.


  • It handles subqueries by doing multiple queries to PuppetDB, so it doesn't have optimal performance for them.
  • There's no select method implemented on the adapter for doing manual queries yet.
  • PuppetDB can only search for some fields server side, so the other fields are filtered client side, but all of them work filtering against. Same goes for limits and offsets.