Search your models with JSON!

How to use

gem install gemcutter # unless you already have gem tumble # unless you already have gem install dm-json-search


Book.all_from_json(‘’) # Should this be mixed in automagically to every model?

Another example query and it’s json

puts { |t|

t.title == "foo" || (t.user_id == 6 && t. == 9)




"model": "Ticket",
"repository": "default",
"conditions": {
    "and": [{
        "or": [{
            "eql": { "Ticket.title": "foo" }
            "and": [{
                "eql": { "Ticket.user_id": 6 }
                "eql": { "Ticket.account_id": 9 }
"reload": false,
"order": [""],
"fields": [...],
"links": [], // these don't work yet
"unique": false,
"limit": null,
"offset": 0



Operations are objects with a key for the Operation#slug and an array of operands. Comparisons are object with a key for the Comparison#slug and an object with a property key and a value for the comparison.

So, you can send in a huge json string like the above, or you can just send in the conditions part: { “and”: […] }. Or, if you just send in an array, it will wrap that array in an “and” hash.

All DM Operations and Conditions are permitted on any Property of any Model. This probably needs to be changed to only search some fields.


  • Spec it out and make sure there are no vectors for destructive actions

  • Make links work

  • Make it better?