Disk Identification Service


gem install diskid

diskid needs curl and head commands available in your system.

Internet access is also required, as diskid sends a few bytes to http://diskid.frameos.org to identify the disk.


diskid path-to-disk-file


$ diskid ubuntu64-1104.vmdk


file name: ubuntu64-1104.vmdk
file format: vmdk
virtual size: 9.0G (9663676416 bytes)
disk size: 319M (334364672 bytes)

PROTIP: You don't need to install diskid to use the service

head -n 20 ubuntu64-1104.vmdk > /tmp/dchunk && curl -X POST -F chunk=@/tmp/dchunk http://diskid.frameos.org

Copyright (c) 2011 Sergio Rubio. See LICENSE.txt for further details.