
Diglossa is a helper gem for diglossa.org-like libraries.


Install it as:

$ gem install diglossa

CLI Usage

After installing the diglossa gem, Diglossa is available from your command line using the dg command. To get a complete overview of possible options type:

dg help

The examples and descriptions below does not cover all the options available via the CLI. So remember to refer back to the dg help command.


dg help [COMMAND]          # Describe available commands or one specific command
dg generate [APPDIR]      # generate .couchapprc

get: dg get [OBJ] [PARAM], ex: dg get id _ID, i.e: get id lib-tree or get id 05b33841744f209d3342bbfcf76cb574 dg get book by root file-path or url, i.e: dg get book Greek/Plato/Dialogues (url) or get NT/Greek/Plato/Dialogues (file-path) dg get texts by root path or url dg get coms by root path or url

build: dg build [OBJ] [PATH], ex: dg build json obj, i.e.: build json authors/psell.json dg build book path, ex: dg build book NT/Palama/Triads dg build urls path (array of the urls in a book) no build for text and comments, use push and then get

warns: dg warns book [PATH], ex: dg warns book NT/Palama/Triads

push: dg push [OBJ] [PATH] env, ex: dg push json/book/texts, dg push book NT/Palama/Triads dg push book NT/Palama/Triads production dg push texts NT/Palama/Triads (pushes all texts and comms at once)


Do not forget to generate .couchapprc file with dg gen your_appname and fill in your CouchDB credentials.

{ "env": { "default": { "db": "http://admin:password@localhost:5984/diglossa" }, "production": { "db": "http://admin:[email protected]:5984/diglossa" } }, "data": "~/web/diglossa.data", "seeds": "~/web/socadimo/diglossa.blog", "locales": ["ru", "en"] }


dg delete [OBJ] [PATH]


Join https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups#!forum/diglossa mailing list

Special Thanks

Diglossa was inspired by soca.gem by Aaron Quint which I used to work with. Many thanks.


released under the GPL License.


In the spirit of free software, everyone is encouraged to help improve this project.

  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request