
Gem Version

This is a spiritual successor of the Monadic gem. The goal of the rewrite is to get away from a bit to forceful aproach I took in Monadic, especially when it comes to coercing monads, but also a more practical but at the same time more strict adherence to monad laws.

This gem is still WORK IN PROGRESS.


Success & Failure

Success(1).to_s             # => "1"
Success(1) << Success(2)    # => Success(2)
Success(Success(1))         # => Success(1)
Success(1).map { |v| v + 1} # => Success(2)
Success({a:1}).to_json      # => '{"Success": {"a":1}}'

Failure(1).to_s             # => "1"
Failure(1) << Failure(2)    # => Failure(1)
Failure(Failure(1))         # => Failure(1)
Failure(1).map { |v| v + 1} # => Failure(2)
Failure({a:1}).to_json      # => '{"Failure": {"a":1}}'


The basic idea is to execute a chain of units of work and make sure all return either Success or Failure.

Either.attempt_all do
  try { 1 }
  try { |prev| prev + 1 }
end # => Success(2)

Take notice, that the result of of unit of work will be passed to the next one. So the result of prepare_somehing will be something in the second try.

If any of the units of work in between fail, the rest will not be executed and the last Failure will be returned.

Either.attempt_all do
  try { 1 }
  try { raise "error" }
  try { 2 }
end # => Failure(RuntimeError("error"))

However, the real fun starts if you use it with your own context. You can use this as a state container (meh!) or to pass a dependency locator:

  class Context
    attr_accessor :env, :settings
    def some_service

  # exemplary unit of work
  module LoadSettings
      settings = load(env)
      settings.nil? ? Failure('could not load settings') : Success(settings)

    def load(env)

  Either.attempt_all(context) do
    # this unit of work explicitly returns success or failure
    # no exceptions are catched and if they occur, well, they behave as expected
    # methods from the context can be accessed, the use of self for setters is necessary
    let { self.settings = }

    # with #try all exceptions will be transformed into a Failure
    try { do_something }

Pattern matching

Now that you have some result, you want to control flow by providing patterns. #match can match by

  • success, failure, either or any
  • values
  • lambdas
  • classes
Success(1).match do
  success { |v| "success #{v}"}
  failure { |v| "failure #{v}"}
  either  { |v| "either #{v}"}
end # => "success 1"

Note1: the inner value has been unwrapped!

Note2: only the first matching pattern block will be executed, so order can be important.

The result returned will be the result of the first #try or #let. As a side note, #try is a monad, #let is a functor.

Values for patterns are good, too:

Success(1).match do
  success(1) {|v| "Success #{v}" }
end # => "Success 1"

You can and should also use procs for patterns:

Success(1).match do
  success ->(v) { v == 1 } {|v| "Success #{v}" }
end # => "Success 1"

Also you can match the result class

Success([1, 2, 3]).match do
  success(Array) { |v| v.first }
end # => 1

Combining #attempt_all and #match is the ultimate sophistication:

Either.attempt_all do
  try { 1 }
  try { |v| v + 1 }
end.match do
  success(1) { |v| "We made it to step #{v}" }
  success(2) { |v| "The correct answer is #{v}"}
end # => "The correct answer is 2"

If no match was found a NoMatchError is raised, so make sure you always cover all possible outcomes.

Success(1).match do
  failure(1) { "you'll never get me" }
end # => NoMatchError

A way to have a catch-all would be using an any:

Success(1).match do
  any { "catch-all" }
end # => "catch-all"

Flow control

Chaininig successfull actions

Success(1).and Success(2)            # => Success(2)
Success(1).and_then { Success(2) }   # => Success(2)

Success(1).or Success(2)             # => Success(1)
Success(1).or_else { Success(2) }    # => Success(1)

Chaininig failed actions

Failure(1).and Success(2)            # => Failure(1)
Failure(1).and_then { Success(2) }   # => Failure(1)

Failure(1).or Success(1)             # => Success(1)
Failure(1).or_else { |v| Success(v)} # => Success(1)

The value or block result must always be a Success or Failure


You can use a core extension, to include Either in your own class or in Object, i.e. in all classes.

In a class, as a mixin

require "deterministic/core_ext/either" # this includes Deterministic in the global namespace!
class UnderTest
  include Deterministic::CoreExt::Either
  def test
    attempt_all do
      try { foo }

  def foo

ut =
ut.test # => Success(1)

To add it to all classes

require "deterministic/core_ext/object/either" # this includes Deterministic  to Object

class UnderTest
  def test
    attempt_all do
      try { foo }

  def foo

ut =
ut.test # => Success(1)

or use it on built-in classes

require "deterministic/core_ext/object/either"
h = {a:1}
h.attempt_all do
  try { |s| s[:a] + 1}
end # => Success(2)


The simplest NullObject wrapper there can be. It adds #some? and #none? to Object though.

require 'deterministic/maybe' # you need to do this explicitly
Maybe(nil).foo        # => None
Maybe(nil)    # => None
Mmaybe({a: 1})[:a]     # => 1

Maybe(nil).none?      # => true
Maybe({}).none?       # => false

Maybe(nil).some?      # => false
Maybe({}).some?       # => true


If you want a custom NullObject which mimicks another class.

class Mimick
  def test; end

null = Maybe.mimick(Mimick)
null.test             # => None              # => NoMethodError



Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'deterministic'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install deterministic


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request