denko-piboard 0.13.1

Raspberry Pi GPIO in Ruby

This gem adds support for the Raspberry Pi GPIO interface to the denko gem. Unlike the main gem, which requires an external microcontroller, this lets you to connect peripherals directly to the Pi.

Denko::PiBoard is a drop-in replacement for Denko::Board, which would represent a connected micrcontroller. Everything maps to the Pi's built-in GPIO pins instead, and Ruby runs on the Pi itself.

Note: This is not for the Raspberry Pi Pico (W) / RP2040. That microcontroller works with the main gem.


require 'denko/piboard'

# Board instance for the Pi.
board =

# LED connected to GPIO4.
led = board, pin: 4)

# Momentary button connected to GPIO17, using internal pullup.
button = board, pin: 17, pullup: true)

# Callback runs when button is down (0)
button.down do
  puts "Button down"

# Callback runs when button is up (1)
button.up do
  puts "Button up"

# Sleep main thread. Ctrl+C to quit.

More Examples

Pi-specific examples are in this gem's examples folder, but examples from the main gem can be modified to work on the Pi:

  1. Replace setup code:

    # Replace this:
    require 'bundler/setup'
    require 'denko'
    # With this:
    require 'denko/piboard'
    # Replace this:
    connection =
    board =
    # With this:
    board =
  2. Update GPIO/pin numbers as needed. Raspberry Pi pinouts can be found here.

Note: Not all features from all examples are implemented yet, nor can be implemented. See Features below.



:green_heart: Support verified :question: Should work, but not verified

Chip Status Products Notes
BCM2835 :green_heart: Pi 1, Pi Zero (W)
BCM2836/7 :question: Pi 2
BCM2837A0/B0 :green_heart: Pi 3
BCM2711 :green_heart: Pi 4, Pi 400
BCM2710A1 :question: Pi Zero 2W


  • Operating Systems:
    • Raspberry Pi OS
    • DietPi

Note: Both with kernel version 6.1 or higher.

  • Rubies:
    • Ruby 2.7.4 (system Ruby on some Raspberry Pi OS installs)
    • Ruby 3.2.2 (with and without YJIT)
    • TruffleRuby 22.3.1 :man_shrugging: (Not available on ARMv6 Pis: Zero W, Pi 1. Not recommended in general)



1. Install pigpio and libgpiod packages

sudo apt install pigpio libgpiod-dev

2. Install denko-piboard gem

gem install denko-piboard

This automatically installs dependency gems: denko and pigpio.

Note: sudo may be needed before gem install if using the Pi's system ruby.

Pi Setup


The pigpio package installs pigpiod, which must run in the background (as root) for Ruby scripts to work. You should only need to start it once per boot. Automate it, or start manually with:

sudo pigpiod -s 10

Note: -s 10 sets tick interval to 10 microseconds, lowering CPU use. Valid values are: 1, 2, 4, 5, 8, 10 (5 default).


Depending on your Pi and OS, libgpiod may limit GPIO access. If this happens, some scripts will fail. It is only used for digital read/write operations, so test with a simple script like blinking an LED. To get permission, add your user account to the gpio group:

sudo usermod -a -G gpio $(whoami)

Enable Features

I2C, SPI and the hardware UART may be disabled on the Pi by default. Enable them with the built-in utility:

# On Raspberry Pi OS:
sudo raspi-config

# On DietPi:
sudo dietpi-config

Select "Interfacing Options" (Raspberry Pi OS), or "Advanced Options" (DietPi) and enable features as needed.


Already Implemented

  • Internal Pull Down/Up
  • Digital Out
  • Digital In
    • Listeners are polled in a thread, similar to a microcontroller, but always at 1ms.
    • pigpio supports even faster polling (1-10 microseconds), but events are not received in a consistent order across pins. Won't work for MultiPin components, but may implement for SinglePin.
  • PWM Out
  • Servo
  • Tone Out
  • Infrared Out
  • DHT Class Temperature + Humidity Sensors
  • I2C
    • Always uses I2C1 interface.
    • Must enable before use. Instructions here.
    • I2C clock cannot be set dynamically. It is set at boot time from /boot/config.txt. Default is 100 kHz. 400 kHz is recommended if higher data rate is needed, eg. using OLED screen. Instructions here.

Partially Implemented

  • SPI
    • Always uses SPI1 interface.
    • Must enable before use. Instructions here.
    • Does not bind CE pins according to GPIO pinout. Any pin can be used for chip enable.
    • SPI modes 1 and 3 may not work.
    • No listeners yet.

Feature Exclusivity

  • PWM Out / Servo Out

    • Using either of these on any pin disables the Pi's PCM audio output globally.
  • Tone Out / Infrared Out

    • Both of these use pigpio's wave interface, which only has a single instance. Calling either on any pin automatically stops any running instance that exists. Both features can co-exist in a script, but cannot happen at the same time.

To Be Implemented

  • OneWire
  • Hardware UART
  • BitBang I2C
  • BitBang SPI
  • BitBang UART
  • WS2812


  • EEPROM (Use the filesystem for persistence instead)
  • Analog IO (No analog pins on Raspberry Pi. Use ADC or DAC over I2C or SPI)