
User registration, login and verification through IdCat mòbil, an authentication method that uses OAuth 2.0 protocol. IdCat mòbil is an identity validator from VÀLid (Validador d'Identitats del Consorci AOC).


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'decidim-idcat_mobil'

And then execute:

bundle install


To use it you have to first configure the omniauth-idcat_mobil and then this gem as a verification handler.

omniauth-idcat_mobil configuration

IdCat mòbil will be available as a configurable OAuth2 strategy. Check how to configure the strategy in Decidim's related documentation. The summary is that you have to edit your config/secrets.rb and simply enable the strategy:

      enabled: true
      icon_path: decidim/idcat_mobil/icon.svg

Omniauth's configuration is setted in config/initializers/omniauth_idcat_mobil.rb. Nothing has to be modified there but it expects IDCAT_MOBIL_CLIENT_ID, IDCAT_MOBIL_CLIENT_SECRET and IDCAT_MOBIL_SITE_URL environment variables to be setted.

Refer to omniauth-idcat_mobil gem for further documentation.


See Decidim.

Run tests

Create a dummy app in your application (if not present):

bin/rails decidim:generate_external_test_app

And run tests:

rspec spec


This engine is distributed under the GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE.