debuglog: zero-conf debug.log file for simple and hassle-free debugging


Debuglog gives you debug, trace and time methods that write their output to the
file ./debug.log.

require 'debuglog' # or require 'debuglog/auto'

debug "Creating #n connections"
trace "names.first", binding
time('Process config file') { Subsystem.configure(ARGV.shift) }

The log file (default ./debug.log) will look something like this:

DebugLog -- 2011-12-28 18:58:22 +1000
[00.3] Creating 14 connections
[00.8] names.first == "Sandy White"
[01.9] Process config file: 1.0831 sec

The [00.3] etc. is the number of seconds (rounded) since the program started
(well, since require 'debuglog', anyway).

You can use different method names (to avoid a clash) and a different filename
with some initial configuration.

require 'debuglog/manual'

:debug => :my_debug,
:trace => :my_trace,
:time => :my_time,
:filename => 'log/xyz.log'

my_debug "Creating #n connections"
my_trace "names.first", binding
my_time('Process config file') { Subsystem.configure(ARGV.shift) }


See for full details.

MIT Licence