
Next Level Magic

  • Classes inheriting from Module.
  • Cats and dogs sleeping together.
  • Yet this gem monkey patches nothing.
  • 100% clean.
  • 0% obtrusive.
  • 100% tested.
  • 50% Ruby 2.0+ compatible.
  • 100% Ruby 2.1+ compatible.
  • 10g Monosodium glutamate.

NOTE: The manner this is made to work for class methods is totally different than the way this is made to work for instance methods.

NOTE: The instance method logging works on Ruby 2.0+

NOTE: The class method logging works on Ruby 2.1+


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'debug_logging'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install debug_logging


Crack open the specs for usage examples.

Without Rails

It just works. ;) Configuration can go anywhere you want. It will look like the Rails config though; see below.

With Rails

Recommend creating config/initializers/debug_logging.rb with:

# Showing the defaults
DebugLogging.configuration.logger = # you probably want to override to be the Rails.logger, and if so you can't set it in the initializer, as it needs to be set after Rails.logger is set.
DebugLogging.configuration.log_level = :debug # at what level do the messages created by this gem sent at?
DebugLogging.configuration.multiple_last_hashes = false # pass every hash argument to last_hash_to_s_proc?
DebugLogging.configuration.last_hash_to_s_proc = nil # e.g. ->(hash) { "keys: #{hash.keys}" }
DebugLogging.configuration.last_hash_max_length = 1_000
DebugLogging.configuration.args_max_length = 1_000
DebugLogging.configuration.instance_benchmarks = false
DebugLogging.configuration.class_benchmarks = false
DebugLogging.configuration.colorized_chain_for_method = false # e.g. ->(colorized_string) { }
DebugLogging.configuration.colorized_chain_for_class = false # e.g. ->(colorized_string) { colorized_string.colorize(:light_blue ).colorize( :background => :red) }
DebugLogging.configuration.add_invocation_id = true # identify a method call uniquely in a log, pass a proc for colorization, e.g. ->(colorized_string) { colorized_string.light_black }
DebugLogging.configuration.ellipsis = " ✂️ …".freeze

If you prefer to use the block style:

DebugLogging.configure do |config|
  config.logger = # probably want to override to be the Rails.logger, and if so you can't set it in the initializer, as it needs to be set after Rails.logger is set.
  config.log_level = :debug # at what level do the messages created by this gem sent at?
  config.multiple_last_hashes = false # pass every hash argument to last_hash_to_s_proc?
  config.last_hash_to_s_proc = nil # e.g. ->(hash) { "keys: #{hash.keys}" }
  config.last_hash_max_length = 1_000
  config.args_max_length = 1_000
  config.instance_benchmarks = false
  config.class_benchmarks = false
  config.colorized_chain_for_method = false # e.g. ->(colorized_string) { }
  config.colorized_chain_for_class = false # e.g. ->(colorized_string) { colorized_string.colorize(:light_blue ).colorize( :background => :red) }
  config.add_invocation_id = true # identify a method call uniquely in a log, pass a proc for colorization, e.g. ->(colorized_string) { colorized_string.light_black }
  config.ellipsis = " ✂️ …".freeze

All of the above config is inheritable and configurable at the per-class level as well! Just prepend debug_ to any config value you want to override in a class.

All of the above config is inheritable and configurable at the per-method level as well! Just send along a hash of the config options when you call logged or include [:drive, :stop]). See the example class below, and the specs.

NOTE ON Rails.logger - It will probably be nil in your initializer, so setting the config.logger to Rails.logger there will result in setting it to nil, which means the default will end up being used: Instead just config the logger in your application.rb, or anytime later, but before your classes get loaded and start inheriting the config:

DebugLogging.configuration.logger = Rails.logger

Every time a method is called, get logs, optionally with arguments, a benchmarck, and a unique invocation identifier:

class Car

  # adds the helper methods to the class, all are prefixed with debug_*,
  #   except for the logged class method, which comes from extending DebugLogging::ClassLogger
  extend DebugLogging

  # per class configuration overrides!
  self.debug_class_benchmarks = true
  self.debug_instance_benchmarks = true

  # For instance methods:
  # Option 1: specify the exact method(s) to add logging to
  include [:drive, :stop])

  extend DebugLogging::ClassLogger

  logged def make; new; end
  def design(*args); new; end
  def safety(*args); new; end
  def dealer_options(*args); new; end
  logged :design, :safety
  # override options for any instance method(s), by passing a hash as the last argument
  logged :dealer_options, { multiple_last_hashes: true }

  def drive(speed); speed; end
  def stop(**opts); 0; end

  # For instance methods:
  # Option 2: add logging to all instance methods defined above (but *not* defined below)
  include debug_instance_methods(false))

  # override options for any instance method(s)
  include [:stop], config: { multiple_last_hashes: true })

  def will_not_be_logged; false; end



After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake spec to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at