
A set of rake tasks to help you sync your production data with your local database for development.

Currently only supports MySQL. The Rake tasks are written for Rails-only, but the Sync class can be used with ruby framework, as long as you pass in the correct database configuration.

Support for more things will happen if anybody needs it.


Add to your gemfile for the groups that will need it:

group :development, :staging do
  gem 'dbsync'

Add the following to your config/environments/development.rb file. Depending on your staging setup, it may also be useful to you to add some dbsync config to your staging.rb environment file. Note dbsync will not run in production.

config.dbsync = {
  :filename    => "yourapp_production_data.dump", # The name of the remote dumpfile.
  :local_dir   => "#{Rails.root}/../dbsync",   # The local directory to store the dump file.
  :remote_host => "",              # Remote server where the dumpfile is located.
  :remote_dir  => "~dbsync"                    # The directory on the remote server where the dumpfile is.

Now just make sure you have something on the remote server updating that dumpfile. I recommend a cronjob:

0 */12 * * * /usr/bin/mysqldump yourapp_production > /home/dbsync/yourapp_production_data.dump

You will need proper SSH access into the remote server, as the tasks use rsync and scp directly.

Run rake -T dbsync for all of the available tasks. The tasks are named after git commands mostly, so they should be pretty straight-forward for those who use git:

rake dbsync             # Alias for dbsync:pull
rake dbsync:clone       # Copy the remote dump file, reset the local database, and load in the dump file
rake dbsync:clone_dump  # Copy the remote dump file to a local destination
rake dbsync:config      # Show the dbsync configuration
rake dbsync:fetch       # Update the local dump file from the remote source
rake dbsync:merge       # Update the local database with the local dump file
rake dbsync:pull        # Update the local dump file, and merge it into the local database
rake dbsync:reset       # Drop and Create the database, then load the dump file


  • Support postgres, sqlite, and anything else.

Copyright (c) 2012 Bryan Ricker/SCPR.


See MIT-LICENSE for more.