
db_facet extracts and inserts subsets of a database content, like a full user account with all its photos, invoices and history.

DbSpider recursively fetch records from a database and generates a Hash structure representing the data entities and its relations.

The Hash structure can be read by DbSpiderWeaver to insert the data into the database again.

Common usages would be to export and import an account, or build a fresh account by cloning an existing one.

It`s designed to ensure a blazing fast database write (DbSpiderWeaver, that relies on activerecord-import) and supports rails globalize.

db_facet is written to work on RubyOnRails, but can be used in any system just by writing the activerecord models and its relations representing your database.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'db_facet'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install db_facet


Here is a sample class using db_facet.
It "clones" an user account with all its dependencies to a fresh new user.

# Usage:
# new_attrs = {name: 'Demo account', email: '[email protected]'}
# new_fresh_user = CloneAccount.new(template_user.id, new_attrs).build

class CloneAccount


  def initialize template_user_id, new_attrs
    @template_user_id = template_user_id
    @new_attrs = new_attrs.deep_dup

  def build 
    seed = fetch_seed @template_user_id
    tmp_user = build_user

    override_seed! seed, overrides(tmp_user)
    new_user_id = save! seed

    User.find new_user_id


  def template_overrides user
      profile_theme: 34

    # children overrides
      lang_config: {locale: 'fr'},
      invoices: lambda {|data| data[:cc_end] = nil }


  def build_user

  # db_facet interface

  def fetch_seed template_user_id
    # You could cache the generated data structure if using 
    # it often and it is viable to clear when changed.
    # Rails.cache.fetch "export-import-seed-#{template_user_id}" do
      DbSpider.new(User.find(template_user_id), INCLUDE_MODELS).spide

  def override_seed! seed, overrides
    DbSpiderRootMerger.new(seed).merge! overrides

  def save! seed
    DbSpiderWeaver.new(seed, timer: true).weave!

Hash structure

  class_name:  'User',
  data: {name: 'Chuck Norris!'},
  reflections: {
    albuns: [
        class_name:  'Albuns',
        data: {name: 'Day off 2017/02'},
        reflections: {
          photos: ...

Classes descriptions

  • DbSpider - Crawls db and generates the Hash structure.
  • DbSpiderReaderNode - Wrapper for an AR model record.
  • DbSpiderNodeSet - Proxy class to instantiate and reuse DbSpiderReaderNode`s.
  • DbSpiderWeaver - Reads the Hash structure generated by DbSpider and INSERTS`s into the database.
  • DbSpiderWriterNode - Wrapper for a node generated by DbSpiderReaderNode.
  • DbSpiderRootMerger - Apply a diff to the Hash structure. Accepts a simplified data structure as parameter.


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake test to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to rubygems.org.


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/tomlobato/db_facet.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.