
Ruby mixins for DataMapper. Don't repeat yourself, control your join tables, prevent your resources from being deleted, and full-text search across your resources.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'data_mapped'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install data_mapped


Normal Model

This mixin sets up your class for DataMapper, and adds @id, @created_at, and @updated_at properties that behave as expected.

Rationale: Don't repeat yourself. Don't manually add the same standard properties to each of your models.

require 'data_mapped/model'

class Movie
    include DataMapped::Model
    property :title, String, required: true
    property :description, Text

Join Model (for a Join Table)

This mixin sets up your class for DataMapper, and adds @created_at and @updated_at properties that behave as expected. This join model differs from the normal model in that the join model doesn't add an @id property, as it expects for your class to define a composite primary key using #belongs_to relationships.

Rationale: Tightly control your many-to-many associations. This is a helpful pattern to do something to a movie resource any time an actor is associated with it.

require 'data_mapped/join'
require 'data_mapped/model'

class Movie
    include DataMapped::Model
    property :title, String, required: true
    property :description, Text
    has n, :actors, through: Resource

class Actor
    include DataMapped::Model
    property :name, String, required: true
    has n, :movies, through: Resource

class ActorMovie
    include DataMapped::Join
    belongs_to :actor, key: true
    belongs_to :movie, key: true

Integration note: Your join model class name must be a Pascal case, alphabetized concatenation of the names of the two models that you're joining. Internally, DataMapper introspects your join model class name and uses it to determine the name of the join table in your database.

Permanent Model (that Can't be Destroyed)

This mixin prevents resources of your class from being destroyed (at least in the typical fashion using #destroy). It's meant to be used in conjunction with either the normal model or the join model mixin.

Rationale: Prevent accidentally deleting resources that shouldn't be deleted, if you have itchy fingers and play around too much in irb on production like I do. Our use case is that movies should be created, read, and updated, but never deleted.

require 'data_mapped/model'
require 'data_mapped/permanent'

class Movie
    include DataMapped::Model
    include DataMapped::Permanent
    property :title, String, required: true
    property :description, Text

Integration note: You can still delete permanent models with #destroy!. In general, make a practice out of staying away from DataMapper's unsafe bang (!) methods. These bang methods don't run validators or callbacks. :-(

Searchable Model

This mixin duct tapes your class together with Sunspot and Solr, and makes your class's resources indexed and searchable. It's meant to be used in conjunction with the normal model mixin.

Rationale: Everyone loves full-text search, and this makes it easy to get DataMapper to talk to Sunspot. Include this mixin, define your model, then use Sunspot's powerful DSL to define what should be indexed and how it should be weighted.

require 'data_mapped/model'
require 'data_mapped/searchable'

class Movie
    include DataMapped::Model
    include DataMapped::Searchable
    property :title, String, required: true
    property :description, Text
    has n, :actors, through: Resource

    searchable auto_index: true, auto_remove: true do
        text :title, boost: 2.0
        text :description
        text :actor_names, boost: 1.5 do
  ', ')

class Actor
    include DataMapped::Model
    property :name, String, required: true
    has n, :movies, through: Resource


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  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request