
DartTrails is an engine for Sprockets making use of the dart2js command-line compiler which is currently very slow (not an issue when assets are precompiled).


Add to your Gemfile either ...

gem 'dart_trails'

... or using a local development tree ...

gem 'dart_trails', :path => '/path/to/dart_trails'

After running bundle, any Dart assets with the extension .js.dart should be compiled to JavaScript automatically.


You may select the default command-line options by setting the attribute DartTrails.cli_options. For example, to enable the command-line option --minify, use ...

DartTrails.cli_options = { minify: true }


If .dart assets don't seem to be compiling, you may need to clear the assets cache from tmp/cache/assets as you may have an (non-compiled) cached copy of the asset if it has been served and hasn't changed before adding the dart_trails gem.