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daino(大脳) is a dead simple Cortex API wrapper for Ruby.


gem install daino


require "daino"

# when given nothing, it tries to load your API key from ENV["CORTEX_API_KEY"] & API endpoint from ENV["CORTEX_API_ENDPOINT"]
api = Daino::API.new
# or you can set them manually
api = Daino::API.new(api_endpoint: "http://your_api_endpoint", api_key: "yoru_api_key")

# search jobs
jobs = api.job.search(data: "", data_type: "ip")

jobs.each do |job|
  id = job.dig("id")
  next unless id

  # get a report of a job
  report = api.job.report(id)
  puts JSON.pretty_generate(report)

Implemented methods


HTTP Method URI Action API method
GET /api/analyzer List analyzers #api.analyzer.list
POST /api/analyzer/_search Search analyzers #api.analyzer.search(attributes)
GET /api/analyzer/:analyzerId Get an analyzer #api.analyzer.get_by_id(id)
GET /api/analyzer/:analyzerId Get an analyzer #api.analyzer.get_by_id(id) or #api.analyzer.get_by_name(name)
GET /api/analyzer/type/:dataType Get analyzers by type #api.analyzer.get_by_type(type)
POST /api/analyzer/:analyzerId/run Run an analyzer #api.analyzer.run_by_id(id, data:, data_type:, tlp: 0, message: nil, parameters: nil, force: nil) or #api.analyzer.run_by_name(name, data:, data_type:, tlp: 0, message: nil, parameters: nil, force: nil)


HTTP Method URI Action API method
POST /api/job/_search Search jobs #api.job.search(range: "all")
GET /api/job/:jobId Get a job by id #api.job.get_by_id(id)
GET /api/job/:jobId/report Get a report of a job #api.job.report(id)
GET /api/job/:jobID/artifacts Get artifacts of a job #api.job.artifacts(id)
DELETE /api/job/:jobId Delete a job #api.job.delete_by_id(id)


HTTP Method URI Action API method
GET /api/organization List organizations #api.organization.list
POST /api/organization/_search Search organizations #api.organization.search(attributes)
GET /api/organization/:organizationId Get an organization #api.organization.get_by_id(id)
GET /api/organization/:organizationId/user Get users of an organization #api.organization.users(id)
POST /api/organization Create an organization #api.organization.create(name:, description:, status: "Active")
DELETE /api/organization/:organizationId Delete an organization #api.organization.delete_by_id(id)


HTTP Method URI Action API method
GET /api/user List users #api.user.list
POST /api/user/_search Search users #api.user.search(attributes)
GET /api/user/:userName Get a user #api.user.get_by_name(name)
POST /api/user Create a user #api.user.create(name:, roles:, organization:, login:, status: "Ok")


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.