
CurriculumGenerator is the next localized Curriculum Vitae editor, both for hackers and end-users.

Please note that this is still in early development stages, bug reporting is really welcome!


Via rubygems

$ gem install curriculum-generator


CurriculumGenerator provides two editing modes:

  • Hacking Mode
  • Normal Mode

Hacking Mode


This is where CurriculumGenerator shrines, by allowing users to just provide the data and let the system do the rest. This system comes with extensibility in mind, by providing different levels of customization:

  1. Data-level: The first level is the most commonly used. The system automatically pulls all of your defined data. This means that there isn't anything wired-in, no names, no values, anything. Data is just data and you can use it as you want !
  2. Templates-level: For basic customisations you can write your own (LaTeX) templates, or modify an existing one.
  3. Generators-level: For more advanced customisations, you can write your own generators.

Normal Mode

This is primarly for non-hackers. In this mode the curriculum is edited by using a GUI.


This mode is planned: not released yet.


Project management

Scrum & Trello

The project follows the Scrum Methodology, using Trello as the main tool.

The board is available under: CurriculumGenerator Trello Board

Report bugs / Request enhancements

Create a new card in the Product Backlog list:

  • With the red label for bug reporting
  • With the blue label to request an enhancement

Fork-Pull pattern

The project contribution is commonly done by using the so-much-famous fork-pull pattern:

  1. Fork it ([my-github-username]/curriculum-generator/fork )
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request