Curate Version Build Status

Starting a New Curate Base Application

When you generate your new Rails application, you can use Curate's application template:

$ rails new my_curate_application -m

Or Install By Hand

Add the following line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'curate'

And then execute:

$ bundle
$ rails generate curate

Curate Developer Notes

Initial Setup

  • Install imagemagick (or else you will get errors when Bundler tries to compile rmagick)

Jetty Commands

Install jetty:

$ rake jetty:unzip

Start/stop jetty:

$ rake jetty:start
$ rake jetty:stop

Jetty logs:

$ tail -f jetty/jettywrapper.log

Running the Specs

To clean & generate a dummy app that the specs will use for testing:

$ rake clean
$ rake generate

Make sure jetty is running before you run the specs.

To run the test suite:

$ rake spec

To run a localized spec:

$ BUNDLE_GEMFILE=spec/internal/Gemfile bundle exec rspec path/to/spec.rb:LINE

Or run via Zeus:

In terminal window #1

$ zeus start

In terminal window #2, once Zeus is loaded:

$ zeus rake spec

Or a localized spec:

$ zeus test path/to/spec.rb:LINE

Running a copy of Curate in the curate gem

Given that Curate regenerates (via the rake clean generate tasks) you can run a functioning instance of curate in that directory.

From the curate directory:

$ rake clean generate
$ rake jetty:start
$ cd ./spec/internal
$ rails server