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This gem was extracted from the cucumber gem, and remains a runtime dependency to that gem.

Its tests are a bit hairy and prone to the occasional flicker.

In the future, it may become an opt-in plugin rather than a direct dependency on every Cucumber.


You can configure the connection using a YAML file called a .wire file:

yaml host: localhost port: 54321 timeout: connect: 11 invoke: 120 begin_scenario: 120 end_scenario: 120


The default timeout is 120 seconds. connect has a default timeout of 11 seconds.

YAML with ERB templating

The file format is YAML, with ERB templating, so you could make the configuration configurable:

yaml,erb host: localhost port: 54321 timeout: connect: <%= (ENV['MY_CONNECT_TIMEOUT'] || 11).to_i %> invoke: 120 begin_scenario: 120 end_scenario: 120