Using clientside-haml-js with Sprockets and Rails 3.1/3.2


Inspired by haml-sprockets. Use clientside-haml-js to render your haml templates with javascript/coffeescript and haml.

How to use it?

The gem includes clientside-haml-js, JSON-js for IE, underscore and underscore.string. You would not have to download it separately. To use this gem, you need to do the following:

In the Gemfile, add the following line.

gem "cshaml-sprockets"

In app/assets/javascripts/application.js add the following line before //= require_tree .

//=require json2
//=require underscore
//=require underscore.string
//=require haml

Now, you can create cshamljs files under app/assets/javascripts/templates folder. You can create the templates folder, if it does not already exist.

// code for app/assets/javascripts/templates/hello.jst.cshamljs
%h1 Hello HAML

Or to use CoffeeScript in haml templates name the file

// code for app/assets/javascripts/templates/hello.jst.cshamlcoffee
%h1= @model.title

You can now access the template anywhere in your javascript or coffeescript code.

JST["templates/hello"](model: model)

This should give you back the string "<h1>model title</h1>".

Refer to clientside-haml-js for more details.


This is distributed under the MIT license.

(c) 2012 Boris Nadion, Astrails Ltd