
Easy breadcrumbs for Rails apps.


Required steps

  1. Include Croutons::Controller in your ApplicationController.

This will make a #breadcrumbs helper available in your layouts and views.

  1. Call the #breadcrumbs helper in your layouts or views.
  2. Define a BreadcrumbTrail class, which inherits from Croutons::BreadcrumbTrail.
  3. Define missing methods on the BreadcrumbTrail class.

For example, for the admin/locations/index.html.erb view you would define an #admin_locations_index method.

In these methods, you build up a breadcrumb trail by calling #breadcrumb with a label and an optional URL. You can also call previously defined methods to build on existing trails. View assigns (i.e. the controller instance variables) are available via the #objects method which returns a Hash. Rails route helpers are also available inside this class.

Please see the example below for further reference.

Optional steps

  • Instead of defining a BreadcrumbTrail class you can use an object of your own that responds to #breadcrumbs.

To do this, override the private #breadcrumb_trail method in the controller where you included Croutons::Controller, to return the object you want to use.

The #breadcrumbs method is passed two parameters: one template_identifier String and one objects Hash. The #breadcrumbs method should return an Array of Croutons::Breadcrumbs.

  • Override the view used to render breadcrumbs.

To do this, create a view called breadcrumbs/_breadcrumbs.html.erb.

In this view, an Array of Croutons::Breadcrumbs is assigned to the local variable breadcrumbs. These Croutons::Breadcrumbs have two public attributes: #label and #url. The #url attribute is optional. To check whether the Croutons::Breadcrumb has a #url or not (i.e. should be rendered as a link or not), check whether the #link? method returns true or false.



class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
  include Croutons::Controller


class PostsController < ApplicationController
  def index
    @posts = Post.all

  def show
    @post = Post.find(params[:id])


<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>My blog</title>
    <%= breadcrumbs %>
    <%= yield %>


class BreadcrumbTrail < Croutons::BreadcrumbTrail
  def posts_index
    breadcrumb("Posts", posts_path)

  def posts_show
    breadcrumb(objects[:post].title, post_path(objects[:post])


Croutons is Copyright © 2014 Calle Erlandsson, George Brocklehurst, and thoughtbot. It is free software, and may be redistributed under the terms specified in the LICENSE file.