
Simple, generalized way to handle gem releases.

Much of this code has been developing over time in a bunch of my projects. I decided to pull it all together into one place.


  • Use semantic versioning, as much as possible.
    • doesn't currently support build numbers or architectures.
  • Support MAJOR 1.0.0 releases
  • Support MINOR 0.1.0 releases
  • Support TINY 0.0.1 releases
  • Support TAG (pre) releases
    • release candidate: 0.1.0.rc1
    • beta: 0.1.0.beta1
    • alpha: 0.1.0.alpha1
  • Manage the release process similar to git flow.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'crackin'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install crackin


Once Crackin has been added to your bundle or installed, you can do the following:

crackin init

This will create a .crackin.yml file and a file (if it doesn't already exist). The command's output will prompt with you further inforamtion.


Use the crackin status command to get more information. The general idea is:

  1. work on code in your development branch (default: 'develop') or work on code in feature branches and merge to development branch
  2. once everything is merged to development and pushed, you can start a release.

  3. crackin release <type>

    • create a temporary release branch from master
    • merge from develop
    • update version file
    • update changelog file
    • allow you to make any final updates (this is normally for customizing the changelog)
  4. Once you're finished with changes (you don't need to commit them).

  5. crackin release finish

    • add and commit changes to release branch
    • merge release branch to master
    • create a tag
    • run a gem build (currently uses bundler gem task)
    • push master
    • push tags
    • push gem
    • merge master to develop
    • delete release branch (this should be configurable)
    • push develop (not working currently)


Configuration file

An example of the configuration file. Subject to change

  name: crackin
  version: lib/crackin/version.rb
  scm: git
    production: master
    development: develop
    verbose: true
    command: rake build
    after: []

Pay special attention to name and version, these values must be set after initialization.

Version file

The format that Crackin expects for the version.rb file of your gem.

module Crackin
  module Version
    MAJOR = 0
    MINOR = 1
    TINY = 0
    TAG = nil
    STRING = LIST.compact.join(".")

It uses this format to manipulate the values during releases.

Changelog file

The format of the changelog file.

### Changelog

##### v0.1.0:
* add 'add' method to scm api
* add some more inforation to initialization. fix bug with name of method in scm: git. make sure *all* files are added before commit during a crackin release finish.

##### v0.0.1.rc0:
* initial

Currently, Crackin just includes all commit subjects for each tag. It does this by walking the tags and getting the commits between them.


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request