
This library is a wrapper around the popular AMQP bunny gem. It is inspired by Sinatra to easily consume messages on different routing keys.

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System wide:

gem install cottontail

Or in your Gemfile:

gem 'cottontail'


When using this gem, you should already be familiar with RabbitMQ and, idealy, Bunny as it's a wrapper around it. Given we place our code into worker.rb, we can define a simple class like so:.

require 'cottontail'

class Worker
  include Cottontail::Consumer

  session ENV['RABBITMQ_URL'] do |worker, session|
    channel = session.create_channel

    queue = channel.queue('', durable: true)
    worker.subscribe(queue, exclusive: true, ack: false)

  consume do |delivery_info, properties, payload| payload.inspect

# The following will start Cottontail right away. You need to be aware that it
# will enter the Bunny subscribe loop, so it will block the process.

To run it, you may start it like the following code example. However, you should use a more sophisticated solution for daemonizing your processes in a production environment. See for futher inspiration.

ruby worker.rb &

Copyright © 2012-2015 Rudolf Schmidt, released under the MIT license