Crypto Copycats Collectibles - Buy! Sell! Hodl! Sire!

copycats command line tool (and core library) - crypto cats / kitties collectibles unchained - buy! sell! hodl! sire! - play for free - runs off the blockchain w/ ledger lite - no ether / gas required; run your own peer-to-peer (P2P) network node over HTTP

kitty Command Line Tool

Use the kitty command line tool to (auto-)read kitty data records (in comma-separated values (CSV)) into an in-memory SQLite database and print reports. Example - kitties/1-99_999/000.csv:

1,0,,,2017-11-23 06:19:59,ccac 7787 fa7f afaa 1646 7755 f9ee 4444 6766 7366 cccc eede,
2,0,,,2017-11-23 06:19:59,ca9c 7575 f442 af9g 6664 5557 7777 4444 6686 8667 cccc ffec,
3,0,,,2017-11-23 06:19:59,ac9a 6686 ff7f 99aa 6666 5575 779f 4444 6786 7748 cccc dcfc,
4,0,,,2017-11-23 06:19:59,ccac 5686 22ff f99g 1616 7555 ffed 4444 8668 4687 cccc dcff,
5,0,,,2017-11-23 06:19:59,ca9c 8777 747f g99g 4411 7775 f77d 4444 7788 6377 cccc ffef,

Note: By default all datafiles (**/*.csv) in the ./data and all subdirectories get (auto-)read. Use the -i/--include option to change the data directory.

Kitty Genes Reader / Report

Pass in the id (e.g. 1, 43, etc.) of the kitty to print a genes report. Example:

$ kitty 1


# Kitty #1

genes (kai): ccac 7787 fa7f afaa 1646 7755 f9ee 4444 6766 7366 cccc eede

Fur (Genes 0-3)

|Gene| Binary |Kai (Tier)| Trait      |    |
| 0  | 01101  | e (I)    | **sphynx** | d  |
| 1  | 01100  | d (I)    | munchkin ) | r1 |
| 2  | 01101  | e (I)    | sphynx     | r2 |
| 3  | 01101  | e (I)    | sphynx     | r3 |

d = dominant, r1 = 1st order recessive, r2 = 2nd order recessive, r3 = 3rd order recessive

Pattern (Genes 4-7)

|Gene| Binary |Kai (Tier)| Trait      |    |
| 4  | 01011  | c (I)    | **jaguar** | d  |
| 5  | 01011  | c (I)    | jaguar     | r1 |
| 6  | 01011  | c (I)    | jaguar     | r2 |
| 7  | 01011  | c (I)    | jaguar     | r3 |

Eye Color (Genes 8-11)

|Gene| Binary |Kai (Tier)| Trait       |    |
| 8  | 00101  | 6 (I)    | **sizzurp** | d  |
| 9  | 00101  | 6 (I)    | sizzurp     | r1 |
| 10 | 00010  | 3 (I)    | topaz       | r2 |
| 11 | 00110  | 7 (I)    | chestnut    | r3 |

Eye Shape (Genes 12-15)

|Gene| Binary  |Kai (Tier)| Trait      |    |
| 12 | 00101   | 6 (I)    | **simple** | d  |
| 13 | 00101   | 6 (I)    | simple     | r1 |
| 14 | 00110   | 7 (I)    | crazy      | r2 |
| 15 | 00101   | 6 (I)    | simple     | r3 |

Base Color (Genes 16-19)

|Gene| Binary |Kai (Tier)| Trait          |    |
| 16 | 00011  | 4 (I)    | **orangesoda** | d  |
| 17 | 00011  | 4 (I)    | orangesoda     | r1 |
| 18 | 00011  | 4 (I)    | orangesoda     | r2 |
| 19 | 00011  | 4 (I)    | orangesoda     | r3 |

Highlight Color (Genes 20-23)

|Gene| Binary |Kai (Tier)| Trait        |    |
| 20 | 01101  | e (I)    | **lemonade** | d  |
| 21 | 01101  | e (I)    | lemonade     | r1 |
| 22 | 01000  | 9 (I)    | swampgreen   | r2 |
| 23 | 01110  | f (I)    | chocolate    | r3 |

Accent Color (Genes 24-27)

|Gene| Binary |Kai (Tier)| Trait           |    |
| 24 | 00100  | 5 (I)    | **granitegrey** | d  |
| 25 | 00100  | 5 (I)    | granitegrey     | r1 |
| 26 | 00110  | 7 (I)    | kittencream     | r2 |
| 27 | 00110  | 7 (I)    | kittencream     | r3 |

Wild (Genes 28-31)

|Gene| Binary |Kai (Tier)| Trait   |    |
| 28 | 00101  | 6 (I)    | **?**   |  d |
| 29 | 00011  | 4 (I)    | ?       | r1 |
| 30 | 00101  | 6 (I)    | ?       | r2 |
| 31 | 00000  | 1 (I)    | ?       | r3 |

Mouth (Genes 32-35)

|Gene| Binary |Kai (Tier)| Trait        |   |
| 32 | 01001  | a (I)    | **pouty**    | d |
| 33 | 01001  | a (I)    | pouty        | r1 |
| 34 | 01110  | f (I)    | happygokitty | r2 |
| 35 | 01001  | a (I)    | pouty        | r3 |

Kitty Mix Genes (Matron + Sire) Report

Pass in two ids for the matron and sire kitties to print a mix genes report. Example:

$ kitty 2 43


# Kitty #2 + #43

genes (kai) 1: ca9c 7575 f442 af9g 6664 5557 7777 4444 6686 8667 cccc ffec
genes (kai) 2: ca9a 7588 72a7 fa9f 4111 5555 dedf 4444 5888 4666 cccc fded

Fur (Genes 0-3)

|Gene|Kai|Trait (Matron) |Kai|Trait (Sire)  |    |
| 0  | c | **himalayan** | d | **munchkin** | d  |
| 1  | e | sphynx        | e | sphynx       | r1 |
| 2  | f | ragamuffin    | d | munchkin     | r2 |
| 3  | f | ragamuffin    | f | ragamuffin   | r3 |

d = dominant, r1 = 1st order recessive, r2 = 2nd order recessive, r3 = 3rd order recessive

Pattern (Genes 4-7)

|Gene|Kai|Trait (Matron)|Kai|Trait (Sire)|    |
| 4  | c | **jaguar**   | c | **jaguar** | d  |
| 5  | c | jaguar       | c | jaguar     | r1 |
| 6  | c | jaguar       | c | jaguar     | r2 |
| 7  | c | jaguar       | c | jaguar     | r3 |

Eye Color (Genes 8-11)

|Gene|Kai|Trait (Matron)|Kai|Trait (Sire) |    |
| 8  | 7 | **chestnut** | 6 | **sizzurp** | d  |
| 9  | 6 | sizzurp      | 6 | sizzurp     | r1 |
| 10 | 6 | sizzurp      | 6 | sizzurp     | r2 |
| 11 | 8 | strawberry   | 4 | mintgreen   | r3 |

Eye Shape (Genes 12-15)

|Gene|Kai|Trait (Matron)|Kai|Trait (Sire)     |    |
| 12 | 6 | **simple**   | 8 | **thicccbrowz** | d  |
| 13 | 8 | thicccbrowz  | 8 | thicccbrowz     | r1 |
| 14 | 6 | simple       | 8 | thicccbrowz     | r2 |
| 15 | 6 | simple       | 5 | otaku           | r3 |

Base Color (Genes 16-19)

|Gene|Kai|Trait (Matron)  |Kai|Trait (Sire)    |    |
| 16 | 4 | **orangesoda** | 4 | **orangesoda** | d  |
| 17 | 4 | orangesoda     | 4 | orangesoda     | r1 |
| 18 | 4 | orangesoda     | 4 | orangesoda     | r2 |
| 19 | 4 | orangesoda     | 4 | orangesoda     | r3 |

Highlight Color (Genes 20-23)

|Gene|Kai|Trait (Matron)   |Kai|Trait (Sire)   |    |
| 20 | 7 | **royalpurple** | f | **chocolate** | d  |
| 21 | 7 | royalpurple     | d | coffee        | r1 |
| 22 | 7 | royalpurple     | e | lemonade      | r2 |
| 23 | 7 | royalpurple     | d | coffee        | r3 |

Accent Color (Genes 24-27)

|Gene|Kai|Trait (Matron)   |Kai|Trait (Sire)     |    |
| 24 | 7 | **kittencream** | 5 | **granitegrey** | d  |
| 25 | 5 | granitegrey     | 5 | granitegrey     | r1 |
| 26 | 5 | granitegrey     | 5 | granitegrey     | r2 |
| 27 | 5 | granitegrey     | 5 | granitegrey     | r3 |

Wild (Genes 28-31)

|Gene|Kai|Trait (Matron)|Kai|Trait (Sire)|    |
| 28 | 4 | **?**        | 1 | **?**      | d  |
| 29 | 6 | ?            | 1 | ?          | r1 |
| 30 | 6 | ?            | 1 | ?          | r2 |
| 31 | 6 | ?            | 4 | ?          | r3 |

Mouth (Genes 32-35)

|Gene|Kai|Trait (Matron) |Kai|Trait (Sire)      |    |
| 32 | g | **soserious** | f | **happygokitty** | d  |
| 33 | 9 | beard         | 9 | beard            | r1 |
| 34 | f | happygokitty  | a | pouty            | r2 |
| 35 | a | pouty         | f | happygokitty     | r3 |

Database Tables

Table Diagram

SQL Tables (in SQLite Dialect)

CREATE TABLE kitties (
                          NOT NULL,
    name         VARCHAR,
    genes_kai    VARCHAR  NOT NULL,
    gen          INTEGER  NOT NULL,
    birthdate    DATETIME NOT NULL,
    day_count    INTEGER  NOT NULL,
    matron_id    INTEGER,
    sire_id      INTEGER,
    body_id      INTEGER  NOT NULL,
    pattern_id   INTEGER  NOT NULL,
    coloreyes_id INTEGER  NOT NULL,
    eyes_id      INTEGER  NOT NULL,
    color1_id    INTEGER  NOT NULL,
    color2_id    INTEGER  NOT NULL,
    color3_id    INTEGER  NOT NULL,
    wild_id      INTEGER  NOT NULL,
    mouth_id     INTEGER  NOT NULL

                     NOT NULL,
    kitty_id INTEGER NOT NULL,
    n        INTEGER NOT NULL,
    gene     VARCHAR NOT NULL,
    gene_n   INTEGER NOT NULL,
    trait_id INTEGER NOT NULL

                          NOT NULL,
    trait_type_id INTEGER NOT NULL,
    name          VARCHAR NOT NULL,
    n             INTEGER NOT NULL,
    kai           VARCHAR NOT NULL,
    tier          INTEGER

CREATE TABLE trait_types (
                  NOT NULL,

Database Setup

Use the kitty setup command to setup an SQLite database and (auto-)read all datafiles. Example:

$ kitty setup

This will create:

  • a single-file SQLite database kitties.db
  • setup all tables
  • add all known traits and trait types (body, pattern, eyes, ...) and
  • (auto-)read all datafiles (**/*.csv) in the . and all subdirectories

Note: Use the -i/--include option to change the default data directory (that is, .) and use the -n/--dbname option to change the default SQLite database name (that is, kitties.db) and use the -d/--dbpath option to change the default SQLite database path (that is, .).

Showtime! Use the sqlite3 command line tool and try some queries. Example:

$ sqlite3 kitties.db

sqlite> SELECT * FROM kitties WHERE id = 1;

1||ccac 7787 fa7f afaa 1646 7755 f9ee 4444 6766 7366 cccc eede|0|2017-11-23 06:19:59|...

sqlite> SELECT * FROM genes WHERE trait_id = 14;    -- sphynx (14)


Database Queries


Find all kitties with a trait

Let's use the trait savannah (fur) with the id 0:

SELECT id FROM kitties WHERE body_id = 0

Find all kitties with two traits

Let's use the trait savannah (fur) with the id 0 and the trait tiger (pattern) with the id 33:

SELECT id FROM  kitties
          WHERE body_id = 0 AND pattern_id = 33

Find all kitties with a trait (in any gene d/r1/r2/r3)

Note: All traits (12 x 32 = 384) are numbered with ids from 0 to 383 in the traits database table. Let's use the trait savannah (fur) with the id 0:

SELECT kitty_id FROM genes WHERE trait_id = 0

Find all kitties with a dominant (visible) trait

Note: Use gene column (d/r1/r2/r3) or the numeric gene_n column (0/1/2/3): Let's use the trait savannah (fur) with the id 0 and a dominant (d) gene:

SELECT kitty_id FROM  genes
                WHERE trait_id = 0 AND gene='d'

Find all kitties with two traits (in any gene d/r1/r2/r3)

Use two query with "intersect" the result. Let's use the trait savannah (fur) with the id 0 and the trait tiger (pattern) with the id 33:

SELECT kitty_id FROM genes WHERE trait_id = 0
SELECT kitty_id FROM genes WHERE trait_id = 33

Using Models w/ ActiveRecord in Ruby

Find all kitties with a trait

Let's use the trait savannah (fur) with the id 0:

Kitty.find_by( body: Trait.find_by( name: 'savannah' ))
# -or -
Kitty.find_by( body_id: 0)

Find all kitties with two traits

Let's use the trait savannah (fur) with the id 0 and the trait tiger (pattern) with the id 33:

Kitty.find_by( body:    Trait.find_by( name: 'savannah' ),
               pattern: Trait.find_by( name: 'tiger' ))
# -or -
Kitty.find_by( body_id: 0, pattern_id: 33 )

Find all kitties with a trait (in any gene d/r1/r2/r3)

Let's use the trait savannah (fur) with the id 0:

genes = Gene.find_by( trait: Trait.find_by( name: 'savannah' ))  # query
genes = Gene.find_by( trait_id: 0 ) { |gene| gene.kitty }                                  # get kitties (from gene)

Find all kitties with a dominant (visible) trait

Let's use the trait savannah (fur) with the id 0 and a dominant (d) gene:

genes = Gene.find_by( trait: Trait.find_by( name: 'savannah' ),
                      d:     'd' )                               #query
genes = Gene.find_by( trait_id: 0, d: 'd' ) { |gene| gene.kitty }                                  # get kitties (from gene)

Find all kitties with two traits

Use two query with "intersect" the result. Let's use the trait savannah (fur) and the trait tiger (pattern):

genes ='kitty_id').where( trait: Trait.find_by( name: 'savannah' )).intersect('kitty_id').where( trait: Trait.find_by( name: 'pattern' ))) { |gene| gene.kitty }     # get kitties (from gene)

Quick References / Cheat Sheets

Traits - Traits (Cattributes) Charts with Mutation (Mewtations) Pairs and Tiers

Genes - Fur (0-3) • Pattern (4-7) • Eye Color (8-11) • Eye Shape (12-15) • Base Color (16-19) • Highlight Color (20-23) • Accent Color (24-27) • Wild (28-31) • Mouth (32-35) • Future 1 (36-39) • Future 2 (40-43) • Future 3 (44-47)


(Crypto) Kitties on the Blockchain - public dataset in comma-separated values (CSV) format in blocks of a thousand kitties each (e.g. 000.csv incl. 1-999, 001.csv incl. 1000-1999, 002.csv incl. 2000-2999, and so on). The data records for kitties incl. id, gen(eration), matron+sire ids, birthdate, 48 (12x4) genes in kai (base32) notation, and more.

(Crypto) Kittydex Kitty Data - public dataset in comma-separated values (CSV) format in a single file (+250 MiB). The data records for kitties incl. id, gen(eration), matron+sire ids, birthdate, 48 (12x4) genes in kai (base32) notation, and more.

Add your dataset here!

Installation - I Can Has Copycats?


$ gem install copycats

Questions? Comments?

Post them on the cryptokitties reddit. Thanks.


The copycats scripts are dedicated to the public domain. Use it as you please with no restrictions whatsoever.