
Contentator is designed to be a flexible, light cms. Hopefully it won’t get in your way and will give you an easy way to add inline content editing and navigation management.


gem install contentator


Create a new rails app with the contentator template

rails MY_APP -m GEM_PATH/lib/template.rb

Then drop in a database.yml and fire up the database

rake db:create:all
rake db:migrate
rake db:test:prepare

Start the server and begin adding content. Go to /admin and begin adding pages.

Custom Content

There is a generator for custom cms content types. It works much like a nested resource and creates inline editing.

script/generate content contact name:string email:string phone:string notes:text

The new content type will need to be wired up. To create a contacts template just make a new template in the page model, add an admin tool in views/cms/admin/_admin_toolbar.html.haml and create a view in views/cms/content.


The admin text all translatable. The english version is located in config/locales/en.yml. There is also a sample de.yml file for testing locales. Just add a new locale file to add other langauge support.

The globalization2 plugin is also installed. Dynamic content in pages and page content blocks can accept translations for any locale.

There is support for using locale subdomains already. See set_locale in the application controller. Add the following to /etc/hosts       en.localhost       de.localhost

The locale will automatically be set based on the subdomain.