
Contactus is a simple Ruby on Rails gem that generate a contact form for your site.

Note: This game is still in development, thanks your patience :P

How to use this gem

Add the gem to your Gemfile

gem 'contactus'

Install the gem:

$ bundler
$ bundle exec rake contactus:install

Go to your site



There will be a initializer file called contactus.rb, where you can configure the next config variables:

# Configure the e-mail address which should receive the email
config.mailer_to = "[email protected]"

# Configure the e-mail address which should receive the cc email
#config.mailer_cc = "[email protected]"      

# Configure multiple e-mail address which should receive the bcc email
#config.mailer_bcc = ["[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]"]

# Configure extra fields
#config.extra_fields = %w(city phone)

# Configure extra required fields
#config.required_extra_fields = %w(country address)

# From address email, if this variable is not used the contact email will be used as default
#config.mailer_from  = '[email protected]'