0.3.0 | 2012-04-02

This release renames the configuraiton file from Confile to Config.rb. I mean really, it makes more sense. As it currently stands then you can use .config.rb, 'Config.rborconfig.rb` variations, with precedence taken in that order.


  • Rename configuration file from Confile to Config.rb.

0.2.0 | 2012-03-11

The API has changed and no longer uses #method_missing magic. Instead the config method is used to define a configuration. In addition Confection now supports profiles via either a block clause or via a second argument, as well as the ability to import configurations from other projects.


  • Use #config method instead of method_missing trick.
  • Add support for configuration profiles.
  • Add #confect method to automatically handle typical configuration.

0.1.0 | 2011-11-17

This major release, probably the first truly usable release, adds support for multiple configration files by storing them on a per working directory basis, renames the default config file name to .confile or confile with or without an optional .rb extension, and adds a class method for changing the file name (though using the global variable still works if needed).


  • Configuration file default is ',confilerb,'.
  • Default can be changed via class method or global.
  • Configrations are stored per-working directory, to support multiple configurations at once.

0.0.2 | 2011-11-07

You can now use $CONFIG_FILE to change the default config file. Just set the variable prior to using confection. Confection should also work with Ruby 1.8.7 and older now.


  • Lazy load configuration, rather then loading upfront.
  • Add dependency on blankslate gem for Ruby 1.8 and older.
  • Add $CONFIG_FILE to allow default config file to be adjusted.

0.0.1 | 2011-11-06

This is the initial release of Confection.


  • Happy 1st Release!