

compass-rainbows is a Compass extension that allows you to create multi-colored borders on elements like on the Creative Mornings site.


Install the Gem or add it to your Gemfile.

$ gem install compass-rainbows

gem 'compass-rainbows'

Then, require it in your Compass config.rb file.

require 'compass-rainbows'

# other config goes here

Finally, @import the extension and use the mixin.

@import "rainbows";

body {
    @include rainbows(top, 10px, green, blue);


The only mixin that you should use is +rainbows. It takes the following arguments:

  • $position: Positioning of the border (top or bottom).
  • $size: The size of the border.
  • $colors...: A list of colors. This should be comma-separated (blue, green, red)