
This is a mountable gem that add a presentation layer to acts_as_commentable.

Mount this gem into your app to automatically have access to screens that list and create comments on any of your resources. Those screen will be inserted in your current app layout. You can call the routes of the gem with ajax passing a parent div where you want the response to ben inserted.

Note that the presentation layer is based on bootstrap.

Also note that you must have acts_as_commentable installed and declared in your desired resources.

Installation :

Add the following line to your Gemfile

Rails 4

gem 'commenteux'


Mount the commenteux gem in your routes:

mount Commenteux::Engine => "/"

The routes that will be available are :

GET  /commenteux/:resource/:resource_id(.:format)     commenteux/notes#index
GET  /commenteux/:resource/:resource_id/new(.:format) commenteux/notes#new
POST /commenteux/:resource/:resource_id(.:format)     commenteux/notes#create

where :resource is the name of your model (you can use namespace)


Add acts_as_commentable in your model who will have comments

acts_as_commentable :private, :public

:private, :public are a example if specific role needed.

Include the needed javascript file in your application.js or


//= require commenteux/application


#= require commenteux/application

Call url of commenteux screens, for exemple, like that:

<%= link_to "<i class='icon-file-text text-blue'></i> Notes".html_safe,
              :id => "notes_tab", :data => {:remote => true} %>

where roles is obligated when specific roles are declared in the model.

With a binding like that in your application.js

$(document).delegate '#notes_tab', 'ajax:success', (e, data, status, xhr) ->

Rails Internationalization (en.yml)

If specific roles of acts_as_commentable are declared in model, declare their labels under en: like that:

  public: "Administrator"
  private: "Delivery man"


Jack Dempsey - The creator of acts_as_commentable.


Serge Savoie

RĂ©mi Gagnon

Nicolas Demers
