
Access your Rails named routes from coffeescript. Read about the making of here.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'coffee_routes'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install coffee_routes


Include coffee_routes in your application.coffeee

#= require coffee_routes

You should now have the CoffeeRoutes object in your global javascript scope.

To access a named route, you can use the CoffeeRoute.path helper directly or you can use the global _path helper that is attached to window that you can call just like you would when writing a rails view.

=> "/projects/:project_id/item/:id"

=> "/projects/:project_id/item/:id"

To substitute in the parameter values pass in a hash.

CoffeeRoutes.path('project_item', {"project_id" : "project-awesome", "id" : 5})
=> "/projects/project-awesome/items/5"

project_item_path({"project_id" : "project-awesome", "id" : 5})
=> "/projects/project-awesome/items/5"

You can also get the HTTP verb that should be used with the named route.

=> "GET"