Class: CodeRay::Scanners::Ruby

  • Object
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This scanner is really complex, since Ruby is a complex language!

It tries to highlight 100% of all common code, and 90% of strange codes.

It is optimized for HTML highlighting, and is not very useful for parsing or pretty printing.

For now, I think it’s better than the scanners in VIM or Syntax, or any highlighter I was able to find, except Caleb’s RubyLexer.

I hope it’s also better than the rdoc/irb lexer.

Defined Under Namespace

Modules: Patterns

Constant Summary

Constants inherited from Scanner

Scanner::DEFAULT_OPTIONS, Scanner::ScanError

Method Summary

Methods inherited from Scanner

#column, #each, file_extension, #initialize, #line, normify, #reset, streamable?, #streaming?, #string=, #tokenize, #tokens

Methods included from Plugin

#helper, #included, #plugin_host, #plugin_id, #register_for

Constructor Details

This class inherits a constructor from CodeRay::Scanners::Scanner