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RPC = Remote Procedure Calls

ClusteredRpc allows you to run code on every ruby process running within your cluster.

Clusters are defined using a shared pubsub broker and a common namespace.

Currently only Redis PubSub is supported by ClusteredRpc.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'clustered_rpc'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install clustered_rpc


# Using Redis PubSub
ClusteredRpc.config do |c|
  c.transport_class = ClusteredRpc::Transport::RedisCluster
  c.cluster_namespace = "myapplication"
  c.options = {redis_url: "redis://"}

If you are using the same redis server for multiple deployments of your application, then use different namespaces for each.

ClusteredRpc.config do |c|
  c.transport_class = ClusteredRpc::Transport::RedisCluster
  # Using the same redis database for the development environment as well...
  c.cluster_namespace = "myapplication_dev"
  c.options = {redis_url: "redis://"}


ClusteredRpc allows static (class) methods to be run on every process within the cluster!

class MyClass
  # makes all static-methods available via 'clustered_rpc' proxy method
  include ClusteredRpc::Methods

  def self.do_the_thing
    # important code living on many servers in the cluster
    return "I'm important!"

# Run the method on every process running in the cluster
# `do_the_thing` is run on each process and the results are returned in a Hash
=> {
    :request_id => "f030b020e058d7a4",
       :success => true,
       :results => {
        "1ca8a7be5e" => {
            "seconds" => 3.3e-05,
             "result" => "I'm important"
        "293a7be9ac" => {
            "seconds" => 4.2e-05,
             "result" => "I'm important"

The keys in the results Hash (1ca8a7be5e and 293a7be9ac) are the unique instance_ids assigned to each process by ClusteredRpc

# Get the stats for your entire cluster
=> { 
  :request_id => "c634e6347b98a0",
     :success => true,
     :results => {
      "ica817be5e" => {
              :instance_id => "1ca8a7be5e",
          :transport_class => "ClusteredRpc::Transport::LocalProcess",
                  :options => {},
               :process_id => 23566,
                   :uptime => "03:14",
                  :used_mb => 35.03,
          :startup_command => "ruby-2.5.1/bin/rails console",
             :process_type => "Rails Console",
              :count_nodes => {}
              :instance_id => "293a7be9ac",
          :transport_class => "ClusteredRpc::Transport::LocalProcess",
                  :options => {},
               :process_id => 23736,
                   :uptime => "42:22",
                  :used_mb => 127.69,
          :startup_command => "ruby-2.5.1/bin/puma",
             :process_type => "Web Server",
              :count_nodes => {}


Of course, methods can be run locally (without .clustered_rpc) as well

# Get the stats for the local process
=> {
        :instance_id => "1ca8a7be5e",
    :transport_class => "ClusteredRpc::Transport::LocalProcess",
            :options => {},
         :process_id => 23566,
             :uptime => "00:01",
            :used_mb => 35.03,
    :startup_command => "ruby-2.5.1/bin/rails console",
       :process_type => "Rails Console",
        :count_nodes => {}


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake spec to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.