CLI Coder

Command Line Interface for Online Programming Contests.

clicoder API Documentation


Programming contests are fun. However, there are chores which are not fun, like

  • copy a sample input and run a program against it
  • compare it with a sample answer
  • submit (copy & paste or select a file)

This tool automate these chores so that we can enjoy only really fun part of programming contests (which is, thinking and implementing).

Demo Video

Here is a demo solving a problem from AOJ (links to youtube):

CLI Coder demo


$ gem install clicoder


~/.clicoder.d/config.yml (required)

It contains

  • configurations of template files
  • configurations for various programming contest sites.


    template: template.cpp # template file. relative to this file
    makefile: Makefile # Makefile used by CLI Coder. relative to this file
    template: aoj_template.cpp # template only used for site 'aoj'
    user_id: Glen_S
    password: PASSWORD
    user_id: Glen_S
    password: PASSWORD

It is recommended to put your template file under ~/.clicoder.d. It will be copied into working directories as main.* each time you start solving new problems.

If you don't use templates, make sure you write your solutions in files named main.*.

Makefile (required)

It is recommended to put your Makefile under ~/.clicoder.d.

CLI Coder uses Makefile to build and execute your program.

"build" rule

It should build your program.


    g++ -g main.cpp -o a.out

"execute" rule

It has to run your program with redirection from "in.txt" and redirection to "out.txt".


    ./a.out < in.txt > out.txt


  clicoder add_test        # Add new test case
  clicoder all             # build, execute, and judge
  clicoder browse          # Open problem page with the browser
  clicoder build           # Build your program using `make build`
  clicoder download        # Download description, inputs and outputs
  clicoder execute         # Execute your program using `make execute`
  clicoder help [COMMAND]  # Describe available commands or one specific command
  clicoder judge           # Judge your outputs
  clicoder new <command>   # start a new problem
  clicoder submit          # Submit your program

Sites Available

clicoder new aoj PROBLEM_NUMBER # Prepare directory to deal with new problem from AOJ
clicoder new atcoder TASK_URL   # Prepare directory to deal with new problem from AtCoder


PROBLEM_NUMBER is shown in problem URL like this:<strong>0001</strong>


TASK_URL is a URL which looks like this:


I recommend you to use this shell function for AOJ:

function aoj() {
    clicoder new aoj $1
    dir=$(printf "%04d" $1)
    cd $dir


Please send your pull requests to "develop" branch. Thank you for your contributions.

  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request


This repository uses RSpec to test application logic and Cucumber to test acceptance as a CLI tool. Make sure both tests passes before submitting pull requests.

$ bundle exec rspec spec/
$ bundle exec cucumber features/

Add a Site

It's easy to add new sites.

  1. Implement new site class
  2. Add it to the factory method (new_with_config) in lib/clicoder/site_base.rb
  3. Add new command (clicoder new new_site ARGS) in lib/clicoder/cli.rb

Site classes resides in lib/clicoder/sites directory. See existing sites for examples.

Basically, you need to implement these methods:


Initialize a site instance (i.e. a problem) and set local configurations (like problem id).


Submit your code.


Open submission status page. This will be called automatically after successful submissions.


Sometimes you need to login to see problems or to submit your solutions. This method has to log in and execute given block under logged-in condition.


Returns site name.


Returns problem url.


Returns xpath which indicates where the problem description is. Used to download problem description.


Returns xpath which indicates where the sample inputs are. Used to download sample inputs.


Returns xpath which indicates where the sample outputs are. Used to download sample outputs.


Returns a directory name it should create with clicoder new command.