

Clementine is a gem to use ClojureScript ( from Ruby. Clementine is a Tilt ( Template, which is available to use on Rails asset pipeline. Also, it is avilable to use in a Tilt way.

Clementine runs on Rails 3.1 and later.

Clementine supports JRuby and CRuby. When you use from CRuby, make sure java command is on your PATH.


gem install clementine


Create clementine.rb file in your $Rails.root/config/initializer directory.


Clementine.options[:optimizations] = :simple
Clementine.options[:output_dir] = "assets/javascripts"

Available options:

  KEY                VALUES
  ------------------ -----------------------
  :optimazation      :simple,:whitespace,:advanced
  :target            :nodejs
  :output_dir        directory name (:output_dir will be converted to ":output-dir")
  :output_to         file name (:output_to will be converted to ":output-to")

Clementine is Copyright (c) 2011-2012 Yoko Harada and distributed under the MIT license.

Clojure and ClojureSript are Copyright (c) Rich Hickey and covered by the Eclipse Public License 1.0

Google Closure Compiler and Library are covered by Apache License 2.0 license.